1 month ago
North Carolina, USA

I have a couple of questions

  1. Since I want to do all of the tower defense categories, but I don't want to play them all over the course of several different days, am I allowed to have a lot of different windows open and play the different games of tower defense?

  2. In the category for 30 minutes on factory, if somebody gets over 999 trillion (and they will), they can't submit over 999:59:59.999. I think there's a way to fix this, so I will make some suggestions

  3. Can the word "Platformer" be removed from the title? It's kind of annoying.

n0id और grnts इसे पसंद करें
California, USA
  1. This seems fine for most runs, especially for long time runs, just make sure to always show the tabs

  2. I dont know how to fix it, so if you do know that would be great

  3. I wish it could

Gaming_64 और
हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करें
North Carolina, USA

I think for Factory 30 mins we could have the milliseconds be the millions of dollars, since at that point it'd be hard to tie to the exact thousand.

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
Nova Scotia, Canada

@Gaming_64 I am a bit late to do this but I submitted a request to remove Platformer from the name.

grnts और Gaming_64 इसे पसंद करें
North Carolina, USA

yay thank you

Nova Scotia, Canada

@Gaming_64 Its changed

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