Discord Invite
1 year ago

Feel free to join the discord that regroups both blasphemous 1 & 2 speedrun communities, everyone is welcome !



Hi I tried to join the Discord, but i cant, it says "Invite Invalid". Thanks

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago

that s weird, i tried it with another account and it worked, i tried regenerating it and the same url was generated https://discord.gg/YDPRKerPtw


Hello megatopo, the categories are about to be created.

We re still on discussion for what glitches can or will be authorized, as for the first one any% glitchless does not make a lot of sense as you need to defeat every boss to finish the game without glitches or skips. The leaderboards should be open in the next 7 days thank you for you patience.

I invite you to join the discord as there are various techs been discovered daily which could drasticaly change speedruns. thank you for your interest and gl on future runs



First of all, i think you re not aware of the amount of glitches and techs that have been found

Second, i have not seen you interact nor enter the blasphemous speedrun discord server, for your information, current estimate for any% is about 50 mins, NMG/Glitchless 1h15

Third, please let's try to stay cordial with each other. Having a menacing tone might be the worst thing for you to get what you want.

Fourth, there was a posted message on day one of release by other moderators Zrylics in the news channel to say the game was on a 2 week grace period espacially for people not rushing submits without having much knowledge of the possible strats, the goal was to create categories so that people can enjoy the game with the many ways there are to play it. Unfortunately it s not as simple as glitchless and glitched.

Last, the grace period came to an end today, and leaderboards have been created according to community decision, once again i can only advise you to join the discord and interact with other community members. Have fun with the game and GL for future runs

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 1 year ago

Hello Megatopo, the categories were created on a community agreement and vote that have been unanimously accepted. You learned all the glitches and i congratulates you on that, you might have noticed that playing the game with speedrun in mind is very difficult to do glitch free, thus compromising the notion of what is a glitchless run itself. You might also have noticed that time freeze, boss invulnerability are way stronger glitches than rocket launches and hover. So people from the community decided to have different glitched categories depending on what glitches they want to use.

  1. If you are using every glitch currently known, i advice you to go towards unrestriced,
  2. If you are looking for a challenge run with very non linear glitched progression, but challenging bosses with no invulnerability, i recommend you try restricted
  3. If you are looking for a glitch free challenge, while still doing advanced skips, like the censer hit you are doing in mother of mother to reach afilaor room more quickly, then Glitchless/NMG is the category you are looking for

Once again, i can only advice you to interact with people in the discord where all the activity takes place. If you don t like interacting with me as your messages are written in a threatening tone, I invite you to talk to the 4 other moderators with whom all decisions were taken.

I bid you a good day and wish you good luck on future runs

o0hno इसे पसंद करता है
Andalusia, Spain
के द्वारा हटाया गया लेखक
Andalusia, Spain
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago
के द्वारा हटाया गया लेखक
Andalusia, Spain
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

(I deleted the previous menssage as my phone is working too slow and sent the message without finish it. I need a new one xD )

Buenas, megatopo. Me presento, soy LuceScarlet, una de los 5 moderadores.

Me gustaría decir, para empezar, que este tema es para la invitación de Discord y se está desviando la conversación completamente.

Si bien en este lugar hay 63 seguidores como usted bien dice, y me gustaría que mostrase respeto a los runners sin alterar sus nombres pues 2 de ellos son moderadores también. En el discord al que Rocher le ha invitado a entrar somos más de 300 personas con votaciones para nombres de glitches, técnicas y obviamente, para sus categorías.

Me gustaría invitarle de nuevo a entrar al servidor de Discord o, si por el contrario no quiere unirse, le animo a abrir un post en el foro para exponer el porqué la categoría actual de NMG, junto al documento que está en Reglas, no es una categoría Glitchless para usted, y así ayudar a mantener este hilo limpio para la discusión del link de invitación a Discord.


Un cordial saludo.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Leaderboards are up !

Hello everyone ! The leaderboards have been created, ruleset have been detaile in the category and game rules, be sure to read them before submitting.

With the large amount of glitches we made a community decision to create 3 categories regarding glitch usage :

  • Unrestriced : you can use any gli
1 year ago
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