Tutorials For Each Course
5 years ago

I am only really qualified to do tutorials for Deadly Fall, Crystal Lake, and Mountain Village. Here is a Deadly Fall one. This should help any newcomers to the game, so they arent blindly playing a course with 0 direction or clue what to do. I will do Crystal Lake later this week.

Dragon Cave By Russ

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
DJ-Cat, Bert86 और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Also for deadly fall. I forgot to mention sonatas mogul jump thingy in the beginning moguls. Sonata said it saves a frame. But I have no idea how to do it or explain it. So maybe sonata could do a tutorial for it.

Also mattador came up with a new strat for deadly fall as well. It's a jump right at the end of the alcove tunnel. If he wants to make a video on how to do it. Post it here. If not . Check out his 95 run to see it.

With these 2 new strats. The 89 will be easier and maybe we will see an 82 this year.


plan on doing an updated video? If you do I have some suggestions

if i do an updated video, it will be like 20 mins long. Id go into way greater detail on what to do and stuff. always up for suggestions.

I know I said Id do a CL video this week, but im gonna wait till i get the 37 and have more hours logged into the course. Cuz right now, my tutorial wouldnt be to detailed for it.

DJ-Cat इसे पसंद करता है

Crystal Lake added

Bert86 इसे पसंद करता है

Tried doing a mountain village one a couple of days ago. It wasnt any good. It's been so long since I've grinded that course. I feel bert or rusty or sonata could do a better tutorial for it. Your call though guys.

awesome, thanks man

Chicago, IL, USA

oh i was going to mention, for the ending of crystal lake the best way to do it is not to get over to the left wall immediately, it's to very slowly drift left, essentially you aim for a straight line from the yellow pillar to the back left wall behind the finish line. You definitely need to be almost against the wall at the finish, but being there too soon is not the best line. This part is definitely hard to do correctly.

Great videos

DJ-Cat, R-J-Clapham और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Thanks for doing mv.

Victoria, Australia

Dragon Cave done. Forgot to mention all the players (Bert, Yu and Hayate) who came up with strats but I added them to the description.

Lomas, you can put this video on your first post too if you want.

Hope the tute is helpful.

DJ-Cat, Charliezard, और Lomaslooman इसे पसंद करें
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