Easy% Route
Easy% Route
Updated 2 years ago by thardwardy

Easy% is roughly half an hour quicker than hard/expert% since you only have to play 4/5 songs in each tier (apart from the last one), and there's no tier 6. The run is identical to medium% for the most part, but I'll include everything.

Be sure to play songs from top to bottom to reduce the amount of menuing that you have to do. Also turn off saving!

Tier 1 - Skip Smoke On the Water (song 4) Tier 2 - Skip You've Got Another Thing Comin' (song 3) Tier 3 - Skip Hey You (song 2) Tier 4 - Skip Ziggy Stardust (song 1) Tier 5 - Play everything.

Credit goes to arturscabbed for the guide that inspired this one and made it much easier and quicker to write.

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