Regarding Video Quality and Submissions
7 years ago
California, USA

Over the last few weeks, I have been reviewing and verifying runs for the boards. After conferring with another mod, we have come to an agreement that certain quality standards of footage are integral to the correct moderation of runs.

Due to this, footage that has significant drops in quality of video and/or audio may be rejected. This includes but is not limited to inconsistent FPS, screen freezes, and audio drops.

Note that this is not meant to make speedrunning Guacamelee! an exclusive club for the tech savvy or those with high end computers. It is meant to make the verification process easier, faster, and more effective at weeding out questionable runs for further review and critique.

Those experiencing problems are suggested to look into options for improving their video/audio quality including:

  1. Making OBS minimized to reduce stress on your CPU and GPU.

  2. Ensuring you have correct graphics settings in Guacamelee! itself with regards to your monitor and computer power.

  3. Consider disabling V-Sync in Guacamelee! This will produce screen tearing, but it will often lead to improvements in FPS and input responsiveness.

  4. Reducing the bitrate of your recording or downscaling the resolution to something more suitable for your internet connection (if streaming) or CPU/GPU (if local recording)

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