Finish Mission in 3m 13s by
💪 :flag_vi: 🍤
Respawn point in Staunton was created using ACE. Values for this: cs_player: 0001016E (slot 257, number 110) cs_eight: 0001aabb (slot 0x1aa, number 0xbb) where aa != 01, bb is any cs_micky: 0000ccdd (slot 0xcc, number 0xdd) where cc > 06, dd > 06 or dd == 0 cs_luigi: 0001004E (slot 256, number 78) Which is: OVERRIDE_NEXT_RESTART 0 ? ? ? TERMINATE_THIS_SCRIPT
In this case Y, Z and angle are taken from the previous command(s) with enough parameters. For this IL I used the "Gripped!" starting thread (NONAME_6) and the command was: IS_PLAYER_IN_AREA_2D 0 -230.0 255.0 -210.0 275.0 0 (Y = -230.0, Z = 255.0, angle = -210.0)
To survive the fall I put a car underneath me. Proper position was found by trial and error.
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