Hey guys i wanted to share this and see if somebody can come up with some interesting explanation for this stuff. So in this 1st highlight: http://www.twitch.tv/coombs68/c/5749493 one of the gang member appears to glitch out of the car and decides to go sit down on the ground ? lol.. Eventually the mission would auto complete without any extra keyinputs.
So in the 2nd highlight: http://www.twitch.tv/coombs68/c/5127076 something similar happened, allthought this was at the start of the mission not at the end like in the 1st highlight. I have no idea exactly what happened here .. My idea is that my car is parked slightly tilted forward which leaves some room for the gang member to get stuck underneath the back bumper while at the same time the 1st gang member smacks the door closed, that slighty moves the car somehow killing one of the gang members ?!
Haha weird stuff honestly. Funny that 2 times now stuff like this has happened if anybody has any technical explanations about what happened i am interested in hearing them i am nerdy :^)
First highlight was because you used the replay when the guy was still going through the door close animation after the bank heist. Wait until the animation of closing their doors are over and then use it.
As for the second highlight, it looks like the Mafia Sentinel is moving backwards very slowly and for whatever reason the car gets jerked right as the last gangmember is behind the vehicle.