entity names:
Carnation - Jeremy
Slight - Joe
Slugfish - Bob
Elkman - Trevor
Heed - Gary
Dozer - Frederick
Sorrow - Jim
i declare these names official and for no revisions to be made.
also mods how do u accurately time damage% runs? i needa know so i can tell my friend that im cooler than him without my time being change and me being sad cuz hes one second better AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH
mod note: idk how do we retime runs i forgot
oh wait
Start Time 4.7, End Time: 1:07.55, Frame Rate: 60, Time: 1:02.85
thats how u do it
for all top 5 runs in any category from this announcement onward, you are required to use the fflag below:
"FStringDebugShowFlagState": "DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent"
failure to abide by this rule will result in an instant rejection. thanks for your cooperation.