Rage of the Titans Skip (Any% NG+)
3 years ago

Alright, I recently found a way to skip the entire Prometheus/Rage of the Titans section. It is a simple trick that can save about 3 minutes on Any% NG+ runs.

  • For now, Atlas Quake high jump should be the fastest way to perform this glitch, so I recommend you to use it, but also encourage to try to find a faster way to reach the Pegasus.
  • By doing this skip you can have small problems near the end of the game, mainly on the archers before phoenix chamber and the Kraken boss fight (Because you lose around 10 seconds there due to the waiting for the game to automatically release Kratos).
  • At the beginning of the Zeus boss fight, you receive the rage, I don't really know the reason for that. This would make more sense on the Kraken since you get rage level 2 there, but this is good news since you probably need the rage to skip Zeus' last phase.
  • After retrieving the Pegasus, Kratos can sometimes use Pegasus' dash before even leaving the cave. I'm not sure what causes this, maybe this only happens if you don't get the glitch on first try?
  • If you hit the R1 prompt but still fall off Pegasus, Kratos can still return by jumping and attacking. He will imediately teleport back to the R1 prompt location and you can press the button again to reset the animation: (You cannot wait too long to teleport back, because if pegasus get away without Kratos, you'll only be able to continue after restarting checkpoint).
XieFeng, GustavoPredador and 2 others like this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I found this out 2 weeks ago, I thought it was a bug without use

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