Tool: Chapter 2 ghoul Exploit
Chapter 2 ghoul Exploit
Updated 2 years ago by Blankzy55

Chapter 2 has an exploit where the ghoul doesn't spawn in at the beginning. If you're playing a full game speedrun, this doesn't work. If you're doing only a Chapter 2 speedrun, the ghoul will not spawn in the first attempt. When you are on the main menu and it has the book at the bottom for chapter 2 and you click on it, it brings you to chapter 2. When you do this, the ghoul doesn't spawn in when you first start. If you restart the chapter though, the ghoul might spawn back. Whenever you're speedrunning Chapter 2, I recommend you go back to the main menu and go back to the chapter after every run.

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Recent runs
Level: Chapter 1
Level: Chapter Prologue
Level: Chapter Prologue
Level: Chapter Prologue
Level: Chapter Prologue