Golvellius Any% Guide
Golvellius Any% Guide
Updated 2 years ago by Quarbit


These are my personal notes cleaned up for public use. I wouldn't go as far as to call this a guide, but hopefully this will be useful. If you have any questions, send me a DM. I'm happy to help anyone get into this fun game.

#General Notes

  • Stay close to the edges of maps so you can transition if you get swarmed by enemies.
  • No advice for dungeons. Just walk forward and get to the end.
  • Remember you can skip most (all?) of the Giant Snakes in the side-scrolling dungeons, but they do heal you.
  • Holding down the attack button to extend each attack to its maximum length does more damage than mashing.


Recommended Map -- https://guides.gamercorner.net/golvellius/screens/

Alternate Map -- http://shrines.rpgclassics.com/sms/golvellius/maps.shtml

(Coordinates for RPGClassics map is in brackets )


  • Time starts on new game selection
  • Make your way through the intro dungeon
  • Go to 11,13 (A2) and get 480 gold, Blue Snakes are 40 gold and Bees are 100 gold.
  • Go to 11,12 (A1) and kill 2 red snakes (20 gold) to open cave. Buy Bible for 500 gold
  • Go to 11,13 (A2) and kill an enemy to open dungeon
  • Kill Boss. Play aggressive. Get in his face and stab until he dies.
  • Start with 2,000 gold
  • Go to 12, 13 (B2) and enter cave. Buy Crystal for 1,000 gold
  • Go to 13,12 (C1) and enter cave. Buy Life Potion for 500 gold
  • Go to 12,12 (B1) and cross bridge to enter Rolick.


  • Go to 13,8 (D5). Kill 15 bees to max out at 2,000 gold
  • Go to 12,8 (C5) and kill 1 Gopher to open cave. Buy Bible for 2,000 gold
  • Go back to 13,9 (D5). Kill 19 bees for 1,900 gold.
  • Go to 12,10 (C7) and kill 1 snake to open cave. Buy Health Potion for 1,200 gold.
  • Go to 11,10 (west side) (B7) and kill 2 bats to open cave. Buy Bible for 800 gold
  • Go to 10,10 (A7) and stab inner rock at 4:30 position to open dungeon
  • Kill boss. Stand flush on the left wall around 70% of the way up and stab him as he moves towards you. If you're lucky, he should bounce harmlessly off your sword. Start with 6,000 gold
  • Go to 13,4 (D1) and enter cave. Buy Crystal for 3,000 gold
  • Go to 13,5 (D2) and kill 15 snakes to get close to 6,000 gold. Enter cave and buy Potion for 800 gold.
  • Go to 11,6 (B3) and cross bridge to enter Bachular


  • Go to 9,4 (A4) and kill 2 frogs to open cave
  • Enter cave
  • Buy Bible for 4,000 gold
  • Grind to 3,000 gold on Red Frogs (200 gold each)
  • Go to 11,4 (C4) and kill 2 bats to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 1,000 gold
  • Go to 11,3 (C3)
  • Follow the river north to 12,1 (D1)
  • Kill 2 bats to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 2,000 gold
  • Go to 11,1 (C1) and grind to 4,800 gold on Red Frogs.
  • Go to 10,1 (B1) and kill 2 Skeletons (240 gold) to open cave.
  • Buy Bible for 5,000 gold
  • Go to 11,1 (C1) and stab northmost grave and enter dungeon
  • Kill boss ** The flames have a very small hitbox, so this is much easier than it looks. Stand close to him, slightly off-center, and stab him to death.

#Bachular Cleanup

  • Start with 16,000 gold
  • Go to 9,3 (A3) and enter cave
  • Stay on left side of river
  • Buy Sword for 12,000 gold
  • Kill 15 Frogs to reach 7,000 gold
  • SAFETY - Grind to 13k on frogs instead and buy Mea Herb for 6,000 gold at 11,3 (C3)
  • Go to 12,1 (D1)
  • Go south hugging right side of the river to 10,6 (B6)
  • Go South to enter Fosbus


  • Go to 9,9 and walk around to open cave
  • Buy Potion for 4,000 gold
  • Risky. Skip this potion and you won't have to grind on frogs
  • The upcoming grind is very dangerous, so try not to lose any health
  • Go to 8,10 on south side and kill enemy to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 3,000 gold
  • Go to 8,11 (C5) and walk west to go to Warlic Beach
  • Go to 4,9 (D2) and get ready for a rough grind

#Black Pigmy Skeleton Grind

  • The idea is to stand in the top left corner facing the wall to the south, and walk back and forth killing the ones that charge at you. It's hard to explain, so check my run.

  • Black Pigmy Skeletons pay out 330 gold and come at you fast, so the grind is quick
  • If you stab the tree on the skeleton screen, you open up a cave for healing.
  • A safety grind spot is 6,10 (F3) on the south side. Red Jellyfish pay out 300, but they're a pain to kill until you get the aqua boots.
  • A different safety grind spot is 3,8 (C1). The Blue Rats pay out 200 gold each.
  • Go to 3,8 (C1) and stab trunk of tree to open cave
  • Buy Aqua Boots for 20,000 gold

#Fosbus After Boots

  • Go back to 4,9 (D2) and continue grinding to 5,000 gold on Black Skeletons
  • Stab the tree to reveal a heal cave and use if needed
  • Go to 2,9 (B2) and kill 2 enemies to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 5,000 gold
  • Go back to 6,10 (F3) and grind to 10,000 gold on Red Jellyfish (300 gold each). Red Jellyfish are much faster to kill with Aqua Boots
  • Go to 7,10 (G3) and walk east along water to return to Fosbus
  • Go to 10,14 (E8) and strike bush 3 times to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 4,000 gold
  • Go to 7,13 (B7) and kill 2 crows to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 6,000 gold
  • Go to 9, 13 (D7) and stab bush 3 times to reveal dungeon
  • Kill boss. This boss is very similar to the first boss. Play aggressively and move and forth while stabbing her. Easy fight


  • We start with 32k gold
  • Go to 6,14 (A8) and kill 2 enemies to open cave
  • Buy Ring of Invisibility for 10,000 gold. Despite the name, this lets you smash rocks
  • We need 2,000 more gold before the boss, so make sure to kill a few things during your walk.
  • Go to 9,12 (D6) and enter cave
  • Buy Crystal for 8,000 gold
  • SAFETY - Go to 9,7 (D1) and smash rightmost rock in the second row to open cave. Buy Pendant (25% damage reduction) for 10,000 gold. Do grinding at 6,10 (F3) to make up the gold.
  • Go to 8,10 (C4) and walk west along river to return to Warlic
  • Go to 6,10 (F3) and grind to 16,000 gold on Red Jellyfish (300 gold each)
  • Go to 5,10 (E3) and smash rock to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 4,000 gold
  • Go to 5,12 (E5) and smash rock to open cave
  • Buy Potion for 2,000 gold
  • Go to 4,14 (D7) and kill enemy to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 7,000 gold
  • Go to 1,12 (A5) and kill 2 enemies to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 3,000 gold
  • Go to 2,11 (B4) and smash center rock in top group to open dungeon. Fastest to get at the rock from the bottom rocks
  • Kill boss - This boss is similar to the second boss. Go to your same place on the left wall and stab them when they get in range. Since you're attacking them, you won't take damage and they'll bounce off you. Depending on this RNG, this fight could take a while.

Warlic Cleannup

  • Start with 50k gold
  • Go to 2,13 (B6) and enter cave
  • You'll have to walk around the forest
  • Buy Crystal for 20,000 gold
  • Go to 3,11 (C4) and strike bottom rock 3 times to open cave
  • Buy Potion for 6,000 gold
  • Go to 3,8 (C1) and go north to enter Crawky


  • Go to 3,5 (C5) and kill 2 enemies to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 10,000 gold
  • Go to 1,4 (A4) and kill 2 enemies to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 7,000 gold
  • Go to 2,3 (B3) and grind on white rats until you have between 55,000 and 60,000 (max 64k). At 400 gold each, killing 130 +/- 5 is good
  • SAFETY - If you take too much damage, there's a life potion one screen north for 8,000 gold Kill 2 enemies to reveal the cave, buy and heal
  • Go to 3,1 (C1) and kill 2 knights to open cave
  • Enter on the right side to be closer to cave. Leave and re-enter the screen if the knights are not close to you
  • Buy the Legendary Sword for 50,000 gold
  • Go to 5,1 (E1) and kill 4 enemies to open cave
  • Buy Bible for 5,000 gold
  • SAFETY -- Go to 5,3 (E3) and hit top right red rock for healing cave
  • Go to 4,3 (D3) and grind to 25,000 gold on White Slugs (400 gold each)
  • Go to 4,5 (D5) and cross the bridge to the east to get to Haidee
  • Go to 6,5 (C5) and buy Magic Mirror for 25,000 gold
  • You'll need to go above the rock and around to reach it – see map
  • Go back to Crawly the way you came and end up in 4,5 (D5)
  • Smash right rock to open dungeon
  • Kill boss - This is similar to the Despa and Fosbus bosses, but here you have to stay close to the bottom of the screen. Stay low enough that the boss won't hit you when he swoops down, but high enough that you can still stab him. Keep walking side to side and stab him for the win.
  • Go east to Haidee


  • Start with 72,000 gold
  • Go to 6,1 (C1) and kill 4 Death Lords to open cave
  • You'll have to walk through the water and loop around the trees – see the map
  • Buy Ascent Boots for 70,000 gold. You can now walk over forests
  • Go to 4,7 (A7) and walk around for cave to open
  • Buy Bible for 2,000 gold
  • Go to 7,7 (D7) and smash right rock in bottom row to open dungeon
  • Kill boss. You want to attack this boss from the sides and run away just before he starts chasing you. He's faster than you, so don't push your luck too much. Take a few bubble hits to keep attacking him.


  • Start with 80,000 gold
  • Go to 8,1 (E1) and enter cave
  • Buy Crystal for 40,000 gold
  • Go to 8,3 (E3) and go east across river to return to Bachular
  • Go to 10,4 (B4) and enter cave
  • Buy Crystal for 8,000 gold
  • Go to 5,5 (B5) and walk west to go to Crawly
  • Go to 1,1 (A1) and enter cave
  • Buy 7th and final crystal for 30,000 gold
  • Go to 4,2 (D2) and strike the right rock under the tree 5 times to open final dungeon
  • Strike top right red rock to open healing cave.
  • Kill boss

Golvelius Fight

This fight is hard to explain in text, but you want to get this boss into a simple loop by moving in a certain way and then you can easily kill him without taking damage. Watch the video.

Remember, 3 hits on the top and 2 hits on the bottom.

Timer stops on final hit

#Bible Growth Points

  1. 1,000 (start with 1)
  2. 2,000
  3. 4,000
  4. 6,000
  5. 8,000
  6. 10,000
  7. 12,000
  8. 16,000
  9. 20,000
  10. 24,000
  11. 28.000
  12. 32,000
  13. 38,000
  14. 44,000
  15. 50,000
  16. 56,000
  17. 64,000
  18. 72,000
  19. 80,000 (max for this route)
  20. 90,000
  21. 100,000
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