Touch all tacos category
2 years ago
Victoria, Australia

I was thinking about a all tacos category where you have to go to the top and while your in space you have to touch all of the tacos

Austin, TX, USA

Interesting, but how would you be able to tell if you have touched them all?

Victoria, Australia

I wouldn’t know how, probably by counting the tacos they touched and seeing if it’s 6.

Austin, TX, USA

Possible. Yeah, I could see this as a category.


sounds good


@Polygon Its 8,sexy% added


there is 5 rocks in goiwbf but there is 7 tacos

HappyMar10 likes this
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  1. Speed. Separated in 2 sections:

Qualifiers: Everyone gets 3 no-reset runs. The rankings are determined using the best time of the 3. The number of participants that go to eliminations

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