Hey guys. I just tried Any% Go Vacation on the WII and I didn't expect I would get under 2 hours, which requires video proof, but I did. I got a 1:51:08 (I started at 14:41:20 and finished at 16:32:28) which is over 15 minutes faster than the current record. I wish I could prove it but, besides my parents not letting me, I just don't have any apparel that I think can film my TV for a mere 2 hours while I'm having an attempt.
I'm not an official speedrunner and this is my first submission to the site, and chances are real it won't be accepted but I can't do much about it. I hope you can trust me on my word and not accept the submission but still believe I'm the righteous WR holder. I just can't prove it.
Speedruns of All Bungee Jumps were allowed to quit the activity early after visually seeing the jump has been completed. This means the game does not register completing the bungee jump. So essentially the goal of this speedrun does not get accomplished. Due to this reasoning we decided to make a ru