Fur Fighters PC/iOS 100% Optimized Run (IN PROGRESS)
Fur Fighters PC/iOS 100% Optimized Run (IN PROGRESS)
Updated 7 years ago by ctrlxthroat

Fur Fighters (PC) / Fur Fighters: Viggo on Glass (iOS) 100% Speed Run Guide

I will update this as I go, but here's what I have so far. This guide is meant to be followed from New Game start. Please feel free to message me if you come across a more efficient route. You will be credited.

Fur Fighter Village (Start) [50 tokens] Start as Rico. After the cut scene and conversation, turn right and run toward Beaver Power, grabbing 5 tokens in front. Turn around and grab the 6 tokens leading to New Quack City. After the cut scene, run into the train. [11/50] tokens

New Quack City (Hub) [10 tokens] After the cut scene and introduction, turn right and head down the right most path to World Quack Center / Empire Quack Building. Grab the 02 Tokens after the bridge, head to the right and into the building to start the level. [02/10] tokens

Empire Quack Building [100 tokens / 9 babies] 10 tokens to enter

Baby #01/09 (Rico) Head to the right side and down the hallway to the restaurant. Run up the ramp and jump on to the podium and in to the aquarium. Grab the 01 token and swim down the tunnel. Swim straight ahead and up the tunnel. Turn right up top and collect the 02 tokens in the middle. Down & across, up & right, 02 tokens. Down & right, up & right, 02 tokens, down & left, across & left, up & right. Grab baby #01. [07/100] tokens

Baby # 02/09 (Chang) Jump out of the glass tank, turn around and head through the doorway into the washroom. Switch to Chang on the left. Turn around and grab the 08 tokens laying in the row of sinks. Head back up the steps and turn left, grab baby #02 in the corner. [15/100] tokens

Baby #03/09 (Roofus) Jump across the counters and head back through the restaurant towards the entrance. Grab the 04 tokens behind the front desk and head down the other hallway. Grab 04 tokens in the “Tweek 11” shop, 03 tokens in the “Bearber” shop, and then switch to Roofus in “Dirtee Dawg Air”. Continue down the hall and exit the building on the left, grabbing 03 more tokens on the way out. Turn right and use the digging tunnel in the planter on your left. Keep moving through the tunnels, grabbing 05 tokens and baby #03 along the way. [34/100] tokens

Baby #04/09 (Juliette) UPDATE Go through the last digging tunnel on the other side of the rock and continue back inside down the hallway to the left. Ignore the next two shops and round the corner to the elevator lobby. Go outside again, grabbing 04 tokens at the door. Grab the 02 tokens in the right corner, 02 more in the left and continue through the maze towards the lift in the back, grabbing 03 more tokens. Activate the lift and jump towards the clock hands triggering a cut scene. Immediately turn around and grab the 01 token on top of the hedge and then back in the other direction. Jump the gap to the left and drop down on the left side to grab 04 tokens. Turn back around and head back down the path to the left. Grab the 03 tokens by the ramp and up it. Drop down on the other side of the hedge, 03 tokens and go towards the wall and around the corner for the last 03 tokens in the area. Turn back around and head down the trail to the lift again. Activate the lift and immediately jump off onto the top of the hedge maze. Make your way back to the entrance and inside. Once inside, go left and through the door to the “Bears” club. 02 tokens in the corner and go through the other doorway. 02 tokens behind the bar on the right and switch to Juliette. Back over the bar, talk to the Zebra for the dance minigame: D, U, L, R, U D, L, U, R D, R, U, L, R, L R, L, D, U, R, L, U D, L, U, D, R, U, L 04 tokens in the speaker and head back to the elevator lobby. Go up the stairs to the left, grab 03 tokens across from the elevator and activate the elevator. When the elevator opens head left into the gym. Grab the 05 tokens and baby #04 on the treadmill. [75/100] tokens

UPDATE: Switch to Juliette first in the Bears club, and then go through the hedge maze. Saves time because Juliette runs faster than Roofus. Also, after the clock hand segment, run straight for the 04 tokens, leave the 01. Come back to it after you go up the ramp and just drop down to the 03 tokens by the wall. See my run @ 7:30 ()

Baby #05/09 (Juliette) Go to the other side of the gym for 05 tokens and through the doorway. Go right through the men’s room for 03 tokens and then back to the women’s room for 03 more tokens and baby #05. [86/100] tokens

Baby #06/09 (Bungalow) Go back to the elevator lobby and through the doorway on the opposite end, grab the 02 tokens in the planters along the way. Push the statue of the tower forward until you trigger a cut scene. Run through the offices, grabbing 06 tokens and switch to Chang. Go back toward the entrance and grab the 01 token under the bridge model. Head back through the offices and through the “Fire Exit” door on the left. Climb the ladder to the slide on the left and switch to Rico. Drop down and grab the 1st plug in the corner, turn left and grab the 2nd on the other side. Jump into the pool and plug the two holes at the bottom. Swim up and climb onto the launch pad for the 3rd plug and fill the hole on the right corner of the opposite side. Swim up to the lifeguard chair for the 4th plug and fill the last hole in the corner. Swim up toward the vent up top and grab 02 tokens there. Turn right at the corner, then left and drop into the elevator shaft. Ignore the Juliette switch point, but grab the final 03 tokens on the walkway. Push the weight down to the other side to trigger a cut scene. Jump down through the opening and turn right, switch to Bungalow in the corner. Head back through the doorway into the elevator and up. Baby #06 is on the desk. [100/100] tokens

Baby #07/09 (Roofus) Go back to the elevator and down. Jump back through the doorway and take the other elevator on the right. Head up to trigger a cut scene. Turn left and make your way around the building to an opening. Round the corner on the left side and switch to Roofus. Run back to the opposite opening and press the Building Sway control on the left side. Cut scene. Right side, etc until a cut scene where the baby jumps over to your building. Turn left and round the building to get baby #07

Baby #08/09 (Bungalow) Go back to where you switched to Roofus and switch to Bungalow. Head up the stairway entrance on the right side. Cut scene at the top. Head left and jump onto the wall at the edge of the building and activate all 4 beacons at the corners. After the cut scene, run into the helicopter and jump up top for baby #08.

Baby #09/09 (Bungalow) Hop back down and push the box out of the helicopter. Press the button on the left side of the box when it stops moving. After the cut scene run back to the edge of the building and across the newly made bridge to the other building. Baby #09 is on front of the exit. END Best time [0.20:25]

New Quack City (Hub) [10 tokens] Head back up the stairs, follow the street to the right. Switch to Chang and run back across the bridge. Take the path to the left and follow the right wall towards Lower East Quack. Grab the 02 tokens by the Tweek swap. Continue the path to the left, grab 02 more tokens at bottom of the steps and go right to the entrance for Lower East Quack. [06/10] tokens

Lower East Quack [100 tokens / 11 babies] 60 tokens to enter

Baby #01/11 (Chang) Turn left and head down the stairs, collecting 04 tokens. At the bottom, turn right and run down the left side of the street, passing the truck full of enemies that pulls up. Turn left at the corner and grab the 05 tokens against the wall. Continue down the path to the left, grab 05 more tokens, and you’ll come to an open area that triggers a cut scene. Shoot at the tank and run to the right. Go around the building, grab the beetle shield and the 03 tokens in front of the fence. Turn around and wait for the tank to come to you. Dodge the bullet to destroy the fence. Do the same thing for the next fence and grab baby #01 on the box. [17/100] tokens

Baby #02/11 (Chang) Run back the way you can and up the fire escape on the left. Collect 06 tokens on your way to the top. Once there walk along the window ledge to the right and around the corner. Hop through the open window. Open doors in the room and take out all the bears that come out. There’s a bear disguise in the right door on the left wall that should help out. Once all the rooms are cleared, open the door to the right of the one you came out of for baby #02. [23/100] tokens

Baby #03/11 (Tweek) Grab the 03 tokens in the room the baby was in and head back out the window you came in. Make your way back down the fire escape and go left down the street. There’s a button on the right side that will lower another fire escape. Go up, turn around, hop the gap and grab 02 tokens. Turn back around, go straight and left around the corner. Follow the path up, collecting 04 tokens along the way. At the top, once again go straight and left around the corner. Climb up the ladder on your left. Switch to Tweek on the roof. Grab the 02 tokens to the left of the ladder and drop down to the fire escape. Go around the corner to the right and jump over the gap. Grab the 04 tokens by the ladder, climb up, and the 03 tokens across the gap to the other building. Continue down the path, round the corner to the left, hop the gap and climb the ladder to the roof. Baby #03 is in the middle. [41/100] tokens

Baby #04/11 (Roofus) Back to the fire escape. Drop down the gap and hover against the wall for 03 tokens on the ledge. Run back down the street to the other fire escape steps, round the corner and drop down that gap for 03 more. Continue down the street, pass the truck with enemies, turn right pass a fire escape ladder and switch to Roofus. Run back to the fire escape and up the ladder, grab 03 tokens, climb the next ladder, jump the gap behind you for 03 more tokens. Turn back and follow the path for baby #04 up top. [53/100] tokens

Quackenheim Museum [100 tokens / 09 babies] 120 tokens to enter

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