New Glitch Discovered- Infinite Throwable Items!!
New York City, NY, USA

Tested only on PC version. Please reply to the thread if you have this game on PS4 or XB1!

Pennsylvania, USA

I have it on PS4/PS5 (and Wii U). I can try to test the Playstation version tomorrow.

Pennsylvania, USA

Yep the Playstation 4 version has the glitch (running on a Playstation 5). I'd assume Xbox has the glitch as well.


Yep, just tried this glitch myself on the Xbox One version. Works perfectly there as well, gonna be a nice glitch to exploit.

New York City, NY, USA

THANK YOU all for testing it and uploading some content to show it off. I for some reason dont get notifications when people reply to posts here, i have to fix that. So my suspicions were confirmed that only the 'Zombi' port is capable of this glitch most likely because of the way the inventory was changed. I tried to mess around on the wiiU version but couldnt get anything to dupe. On wiiU, the items are maps on the touchscreen and have to be dragged to quickslot 'boxes'. You can't select weapons with any buttons, you have to physically tap the screen with your finger.

There was a item dupe glitch for WiiU when it first came out where you drag items in a certain spot on the tablet while using the blue box in the safe house. Then it got patched away pretty fast. Theres still vids on youtube I think.

Anyways thanks for sharing

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