Will the Switch renew interest?
2 years ago

A possible reason for the game's lack of activity is that the best console to run this game on is Wii U. If this game comes out on Switch and is faster, will it become active again? And will 100% get more runs?

Illinois, USA
Super modérateurZennan
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago


(i heard the emulation is actually pretty good and added it as a platform, feel free to submit runs)

United States

Mega Microgame$ is on Switch?

Washington, USA

yes, but only if you purchase the expansion pass

United States

I just played through it, I can confirm the emulation is really good and there’s no input lag

If you know how to get all regions (you need only European and Japanese, European has the EU and NA versions) the Switch version is well worth it. You can get it easy by changing your Country on your Account on Nintendo.com. The regional barriers are removed, it's a fast version, it's HD is much crisper than the Wii U, and you also have the choice to use familiar controllers you like such as the NES and SNES controllers.

Also, there are 4 savestates. I know most people won't care about this, but for a Mega Microgames fanatic such as myself, this means that in the EU version, I can play all 4 languages in between each other at the same time and make savestates for four makeshift save files instead of having to erase my data and start all over each time I want to use a different language. Right next to that is the English NA version for my English needs, and I already started with Japanese. This means that when the Fastest Version gets confirmed, or new players need to get used to the game in their language, all options are available for no additional cost as long as you know how to region-change.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago

I hope the Fastest Version gets found soon — I would hate to lose time to scrolling text in a game with no scrolling text! I can't believe people haven't been researching this since 2003, shaking my head.

United States

I will voluntarily do runs of the switch version, then Compare them with the gba record runs. The only thing that might make the switch slower is that it takes 1 or 2 seconds longer to reload the game to skip cutscenes, which can be done extremely quickly using the Gameboy advance's game reset feature. On virtual console, it takes longer to reload the game. On the Wiiu, it takes about 6 seconds to reload the game, and since most people don't own a gba, the Wiiu was their best option. Because of the Wiiu being a couple minutes slower than gba, a wr run on wiiu would be impossible. Now that the switch it out, it Is likely that people will pick this game up again. Anyway I will test the switch's liability.

The Gameboy Advance's "game reset feature" is actually part of the software (game) that is being played — they are individually designed to restart when you hold A, B, Start, and select at the same time. If the game supports this button combo, which Warioware Inc. does, it will work on all releases of the game. As for checking the load times for Switch vs GBA, your best bet is to have a direct HDMI recording of a Switch run that uses this button combination, and then frame count it and compare it to a run done on a real console (e.g. werster's or Shasta's)

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
United States

I actually did a run of warioware on switch that ended up being 30:56 (my first run of the game) but I might not be able to upload it since I usually upload runs from Google drive without problems, and now my phone refuses to upload camera videos to Google drive for some reason. (It's not because of space issues. I still have half my space left.) So I'll just keep running the game without recording. I guess there are better ways for me to record, but I run games as a hobby, not for a career.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
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some changes

hi! i'd like to detail some recent changes to these boards.

the gba's native framerate is approximately 59.7275 fps. the issue is that a lot of emulators (most notably mgba) use 60 instead of the native framerate by default. while this doesn't sound like that much, this adds up quite a bit, and in

2 years ago
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