Submitting A Video
7 years ago
Virginia, USA


I want to submit some runs on this game, but I do not currently have a capture card. I will be playing on all original hardware. Are there any other ways to document the run other than a capture card?

Washington, USA

I will keep it real... I made a set up just to prop my phone up & record my TV

Chicago, IL, USA

To piggy-back off of JoshKeys, composite capture cards are pretty easy to find and won't break your bank. I bought a Dazzle capture card for $45 and I paired it with OBS Studio to record directly to my computer.

Fairly easy setup, although I must admit that you'll have to tinker with OBS' settings to get everything to run smoothly, however as far as base recordings are concerned, out-of-the-box bare-bones settings will work just fine.