All Categories run (Excluding coop)
7 years ago
North Carolina, USA

This is just a sample run, but this category excludes Power Cruising VS, Canoeing VS, Cycling VS, and Dogfight as they are all multiplayer. This run was bad but I’m just opening ideas up for more non-misc categories.

Cmdr aiment ceci
North Carolina, USA

This was an idea that I would personally like and I think you guys will like it too, but I'm also putting it out there for the mods to decide whether or not to approve of it and make any needed adjustments.

United States

Personally I think this would be doable and rather fun. It always was hard to explain to people why certain categories were left off the list (such as say, Frisbee Dog, the big one people asked). It could simply be either "All Categories" or "All Sports+" or whatever naming wise.

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Proof Standards Changes

In the past, runs below a certain threshold could be submitted without video. Now, this system has been removed. All runs require video proof from now on.

1 year ago
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