Level unlocking order
== Start of game ==
- Soccer Kid [Tutorial]
== After beating Tutorial ==
- Rainbow Girl [ALAP 1]
== After beating ALAP1 ==
- Lazybones [ALAP 2]
- Float Boy [Pond]
- Ikebana Teacher [Flowers]
- Cleanly Mom [Cleanup]
== After beating 5 levels ==
- Dog [Roll up the sun]
== After trying and failing to roll up the sun ==
- Hansel & Gretel [Gingerbread]
- Camper Man [Fire]
- Grandpa [ALAP 3]
- Substitute Teacher [School]
== After beating 8 levels and ALAP 3 ==
- Mini-Sumo [Sumo]
- Crane Hat Boy [1000 cranes] - Must also beat School
- F1 Racer [Race]
- Grandma [ALAP 4]
- Book Worm [Fireflies]
- Snow Child [Snowman]
- Dr. Katamari [Friends]
== After beating 12 levels and ALAP 4 ==
- Excited Baby [50 items] - Must also beat Friends
- Fund-raiser [Money]
- Cowbear Farmer [Cowbear] - Must also beat Race
== After beating 18 levels ==
- Rain Coat Girl [Clouds]
- Bird & Elephant [ALAP 5]
- Just-right Girl [Saturn] - Must also beat School
== After credits ==
- Michiru Hoshino [Credits]
- Mustuo Hoshino [Cousins] - Must unlock every cousin to play
- Tomio Hoshino [Save the Earth]
- Rose [1,000,000 roses] - Must also beat Cousins and Save the Earth
Visual guide:
Modifié par l'auteur
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Small Fire
Niveau: Lots of Fireflies