United Stateszehher1 year ago

I do not completely understand your question. I know that when you are doing IL's the game only shows two decimal places however this site forces us to use three. That is not a timing bug though. What you are supposed to do is add a extra 0 at the end. So for instance if you got a 1.50 second run for instance you add a extra 0 at the end at submit it as 1.500. I apologize if this does not answer your question through as again I do not quite understand it.

United Stateszehher1 year ago

I was wondering if there is any way we can have times for just individual missions? sort of like how we have individual levels.

United Stateszehher2 years ago

yea that's the main reason why I want to get this category going. There are a lot of very precise skips that a lot of people do not want to learn. or do not have the time to learn.

United Stateszehher2 years ago

i would actually run this category as well. seems like it would be fun. IDK if we should move this to category extensions or not though. we might have a better chance of it getting scene by the mods there

United Stateszehher2 years ago

yea i agree NMG would be better because there are a lot of grey area's like does the layer swap in HC count as a glitch? does spindashing into the spring instead of breaking the ice in PG 2 count as a glitch? NMG would allow for the smaller stuff like that wile still dealing with the issues of the frame perfect glitches that i feel are stopping people from running the game

Xargoth aiment ceci
United Stateszehher2 years ago

It has come to my attention that a lot of people want to run a glitchless or a no major glitches category due to the difficulty in a lot of the glitches needed to run this game seriously. I am making this thread as a way for the people who want to run that category to come up with the rules and maybe try to get one of the above categories made. Personally, I think it would be easier to do no major glitches but that will depend on what everyone wants. the main thing is for everyone who wants to run to use the same rules.

MoD1982, Rhomin et 4 autres aime ceci
United Stateszehher2 years ago

No problem! Will start posting runs on there asap

AntBlueR aiment ceci
United Stateszehher2 years ago

I wanna get a sub 14 now

United Stateszehher2 years ago

Haha good job!!!

United Stateszehher2 years ago

We seem to have a good amount of people interested in doing this. Hiw do we make it a category?

AntBlueR et CobaltCat aime ceci
United Stateszehher2 years ago

Would getting the emeralds even be faster for such a short run?

AntBlueR aiment ceci
United Stateszehher2 years ago

Ok so i am making this so we can talk about the meme category that is hang glider % rules is use tails to hardlock on the FB 2 hang gliders as fast as possible. Time starts as normal and ends when hang glider is touched. Emeralds are not allowed. We can cave knuckles tag along for extra meme though.

Mikemino321, AntBlueR et 2 autres aime ceci
United Stateszehher2 years ago

Sorry i have been busy with other things but i was able to route out GH 1 as tails with 0 rings. I will see what i can do in GH 2 now

AntBlueR aiment ceci
United Stateszehher3 years ago

This seems intereeting im going to do somw routing and see what i can get for the minimum amount of rings

notsignal300 aiment ceci
À propos de zehher
4 years ago
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