Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi3 years ago

coffee, coffee, coffee

Ivory et ShadowFlare7799 aime ceci
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi3 years ago

Bizhawk with mGBA core. Check the Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission rules, they are the most refined for that emulator.

There really is no good alternative, not even mGBA standalone, I did some tests with it recently and its less accurate. You really only have 1 option for GBA emu.

Walgrey aiment ceci
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi3 years ago

Based on what I've seen so far for games I've done...

NES: FCEUX/Nestopia/puNES/Mesen SNES: Snes9x 1.53 and beyond GB/GBC: Gambatte/bgb GBA: Bizhawk with mGBA core Genesis: GPGX/Blast em/Kega Fusion Arcade: WolfMAME

That is a very general sense of what works but it will still come down to a game to game case. Starfox outright bans emulation completely for instance. There is no 1 answer really, you just have to ask the people in charge of the game you want to run.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

Personally I enjoy being able to just look up a leaderboard and see from the various submissions, which characters seems to be most commonly used in the top to get an idea of what can compete well. Without having to look up individual submissions just to check what people run.


fil: Talk
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

chris claremont's X-Men

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

looking at MK runs, one of the reasons I absolutely will refuse to run certain games or categories is because of this game audio rule. Apparently its faster to speedrun games like MK3/UMK3 SNES by turning off game audio in the options. I do wonder if it was ever discussed among the community at the time, if there was a vote or what word is between runners today.

For me personally, its enough to be off-putting to me, this is something that imo should be its own category, put in misc or category extension but being forced to speedrun the game this way is just not appealing in my eyes (or ears). And I get that ya sure, "don't run the game then", but im also arguing that because of this one rule, it blocks runners like me from running the game, which could prevent community growth.

Taking MK3/UMK3 SNES as an example, this is the only way to run said port as of now, at least MK1 does have No Major Exploits. Technically if we're gonna talk about "fastest possible" then ya take PS2 Deadly Alliance for instance. Fastest possible would be plug out controller exploit, so you can beat the opponent during loading screen. Nobody wants to play like that though, if someone does, sure make a category for it. But dont make it the main one and force it down peoples throats just because its technically the fastest.

This has to be a community decision of course, but I want a discussion to be had as seemingly, there never was one?

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

There's been instances where runners have had submissions using a camera as capture method. As long as the quality is reasonable enough, its valid. The bigger question is the use of the Retron 5, I have no experience with it and frankly I do not know if its accurate enough for speedrunning.

Edit: I did snoop around within the community. From what I gather, the Retron 5 is slower than the NES to begin with. Whilst some communities seems to allow it, that's not a universally accepted rule as a whole. The consensus being that its generally more suited for casual gaming. Since you don't seem to have an actual NES setup and had plans to record by camera in the first place. I would just straight up advice to start out on emulator. You can always make the switch to hardware in the futre once you have it setup.

Jslayt aiment ceci
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

Personally I don't believe Konquest makes sense for the sake of speedrunning for this game. It's basically a scripted practice mode that forces you to learn how to execute moves with a fight attached at the end. Even the story mode categories for later installments makes more sense than this.

As far as konquest goes, they certainly refined the mode for Deception and Armageddon. If one had to speedrun it, those modes makes more sense than this one.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

Any% (No stage 4 Warp) still = any%, no need for a 3rd category

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

@Oreo321 MK2 like 8h prior to MK3

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

Not sure if this is known or not but it does annoy me a bit. So yesterday I submitted and got runs verified for Mortal Kombat 2 and 3. At the time of this message, the MK2 run was verified 16h ago whilst the MK3 run was verified 5h ago. Despite this, MK2 is listed as the most recent game I ran on my profile page.

Why is this?

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

As an emulator runner myself for games in general, this comes off as iffy to me personally. The closest extreme case I can think of atm is Mortal Kombat for Game Boy which can be played using Goro. However in order to do so, one must first beat the game. So the community decided that loading a save state was accepted as to not force a game clear inbetween every attempt.

It will as always, come down to a community decision. In this case, im personally leaning against it. If runners want the additional timesave that bad, they might as well add some extra time setting this up more naturally. Then again, you could supposedly load state to an earlier in-game point and just cut vod highlight a bit further down regardless. So really, unless you still have access to prev podcasts still, I doubt you can trace back to see what people truly did.

Prince_Leaf aiment ceci
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

I have spoken at great length with various members of the GB community, in particular with @Legs due to being responsible for

OpenEmu/SameBoy will effectively be banned from here on out as it is proven inaccurate. I will leave the current wr up for now, I do however encourage to comeback and beat the time with accepted hardware/software.

I'll keep this thread open to give the community a chance to adress it in the future, should it get relevant to revisit this topic.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

There's a credit warp yet to be figured out for

I have a bounty for it at $50 if you figure out a way to realistically pull it off. @Lucha_Gym can you link the footage of it?

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

Can we get proper emulation rules for once, its been over 2y since this was even discussed, mod haven't done anything to adress it.

Example of good rules

Hardware: -If you play on the original Super Game Boy (SGB), please submit your run with a converted time:

Emulator: -The authorized emulators are bgb, Gambatte, or Bizhawk (with the gambatte core). -VBA, Retroarch, sameboy and other emulators are banned for its inaccurate timing. -Emulator runs should be hard resetting inbetween runs, and not load a save state. -Please state the name of the emulator used the the description.

Videos: -Youtube links are preferred over Twitch, as they're easier to download for retiming, and Twitch has a history of losing past broadcasts and highlights. Please export your highlight to Youtube if possible.

@FlashTheorie im willing to help mod this game if its too much work to attend to it for you.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

Ignoring the fact that I die on phase 2 because I'm still learning the run at the moment of this recording.

It seems that you can slip through the propellers and avoid a death animation. It is extremely tight and prob a 1-2 frame window, the bigger issue being the x-position being in flux due to the camera at this segment of the map, making it absurdly hard. Nonetheless, it would be the faster kill in theory. This was recorded in realtime.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago

livesplit and OBS

Pear aiment ceci
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