Completed this run with wax_house and we were hoping to get a 2p board made.
sure, why the link for the 2p run and we can get that going. Do you have a run for 1p arcade too?
yeah I have no idea how to make the spiders come out faster...sorry
40wattrange has done some testing and the only issue he has found is a timing difference on one of the songs (does not effect gameplay). I see no reason why it wouldn't be acceptable.
What's Omegacoma's opinion on rules? If he's going to be the one running it at least to start, I would be curious.
Also changing end of run to when the screen transitions seems to make more sense to me since you still have control of the character after dragon is killed.
Both classy and mukankakuna (also has a sub 17) run this game on default difficulty. I think it makes sense to make the rules go to default difficulty or at least make categories for each difficulty level. This is pretty standard for most arcade games I have ran in in the past. Anyone else please share your thoughts.
I've removed myself from moderator, I only became mod to get my own run verified. I don't know enough about the different modes to mod this. Best of luck to whoever decides to mod in the future.
Wouldn't your ammo reset if you die? If that's the case it seems pointless to create an anyCC category for it. Maybe I don't understand how prototype works and what challenges that would create. Can you share a run to demonstrate?
pretty sure 40 is bant from running this