SGB2 has a GB timing crystal in it. IME in testing it's identical in terms of timing to GBP, which is what's documented on places like SDA as well.
SGB1 though should be timing-adjusted as it does run too fast, by 1.4 seconds per minute. So yeah on a 2 hour run that would be a 2 minute difference.
Seems like a good idea to me. Quite a few new runners of late, makes sense for toorima to pick up some of the load as far as run validation goes.
Hi all,
So I've been taking notes off of a few of the JP runs for SaGa 2 Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny, which is the Nintendo DS remake of FFL2. I'm actually going to start doing runs of it using the translation patch that Crimson Nocturnal made a few years back, and I think other runners are planning to as well. I was wondering how best to handle the split there?
Given the original JP game doesn't exist on SRC, it kind of would make sense to me to add it as a category under FFL2 like how it's handled for the various versions of FF games.
Would you guys object if we added a category for the DS game to here? Any% DS?