Utah, USApetfriendamy1 year ago

Re: niche leaderboards—Speaking as a niche category enjoyer, no category gets made without multiple people agreeing that they'd like to run it. Nobody complained about the snowboard category until it was already made, and the one person who did admitted that he didn't actually care and just wanted to rile people up. The category exists, people run it, no big deal.

Re: self verifications—As far as I'm aware, that was an isolated incident for the sake of filling out a new leaderboard. Maybe he should have gotten someone else to verify the runs for authenticity's sake, you're probably right about that, but the person who did it has since taken down those runs and left the mod team, so continuing to argue the point seems moot.

Re: rewriting history—I don't believe that anyone was intentionally trying to do that, and even if they were... I feel like most people don't really care? The history stuff is nice to know, and it's good to credit people as best we can, but who found exactly which strat at which time doesn't affect the actual speedrun.

Re: bans—So far as I've seen, people only get banned when they've been persistently causing issues in the community for a long time, not because they were "speaking out." Also, the person who I believe you're referencing was banned by SRC staff, so take it up with them.

Anyway, I imagine none of this is going to change your opinion, so I'm just gonna leave it at that, lol.

Utah, USApetfriendamy1 year ago

First of all, Luzbel wasn't banned, he left of his own accord.

Secondly, I don't think anyone believes that the leaderboards/mods are perfect, but constantly launching personal attacks at each other isn't helpful. If there are actual issues, then we should discuss them civilly, or else people are just going to think you're looking for drama.

Utah, USApetfriendamy2 years ago

There are a few things you can do:

  1. Backup the save00.ff7 file somewhere (which I would suggest doing anyway, since Steam likes to delete stuff when you start messing around with saves)

  2. Open the saves directly in FF7 and re-save them in a different slot

  3. Rename the file with some other number like save06.ff7 (again, would suggest making a backup first)

  4. Simply use different save slots for the speedrun. The only difference is slightly slower menuing.

Good luck learning any%!

Utah, USApetfriendamy3 years ago

Hey! So after doing a Chapter 2 All Bosses pacifist run for the heck of it, I was thinking it might be interesting to have a category where you have to get all the recruits AND fight every boss—a pseudo 100%, if you will. It could even apply to future chapters, assuming there aren't any weird mechanics that make that impossible. Think there would be any interest in that?

NERS et Koosha_Karimi aime ceci
Utah, USApetfriendamy3 years ago

It's been renamed to HD Consoles.

sportsplayer19 aiment ceci
Utah, USApetfriendamy3 years ago

Couple of things I wanted to say regarding the leaderboard (most of which I've already said elsewhere, but to reiterate):

  • I think the existing leaderboard should be renamed to "All Bosses No Slots/No Warps," and the new one can just be "All Bosses." Use of Slots is irrelevant since the current route takes advantage of not recruiting Cait Sith, though we can discuss it if we decide Slots is faster for something.

  • I used the existing boss list to make the route, which includes Yuffie as a boss. Since the route includes frequent Yuffie warping, I opted to interpret this rule as "you need to complete the Yuffie recruitment process," but I'm open to discuss opinions on that (whether Yuffie warping itself should count, if Yuffie should be considered a boss at all, etc.)

  • The current route defeats Materia Keeper twice, which is technically against the "bosses can only be defeated once" rule. I was told the rule is meant to exclude enemies that can be killed repeatedly, like Midgar Zolom, in which case I think the rule should be rephrased or removed.

In any case, I'm hyped for the new board!

Utah, USApetfriendamy4 years ago

It sounds like there will be new features (specifically the horses), so it would probably have to be a separate category. But we'll only know for sure when it releases.

Utah, USApetfriendamy4 years ago

Yeah, I thought that it might count as a new category, haha. I would be fine doing it as a separate category if that's the case.

As for excluding enemies that are boss-like, the rule says "All bosses have to be defeated and can only be defeated once," which is pretty confusing if what you say is true. Maybe it should be rephrased to something like "All bosses that can be defeated only once must be defeated"? (Though technically that doesn't apply to Yuffie, since you can fight her multiple times even without glitches...)

Utah, USApetfriendamy4 years ago

Hey! So I've been working on a possible route for PC All Bosses that would involve wrong warping/Yuffie warping to skip a bunch of cutscenes. However, it was pointed out to me that the rules say bosses can be defeated only once. Since Yuffie is considered one of the bosses, would this mean that Yuffie warping isn't allowed? Thanks!

Utah, USApetfriendamy6 years ago

Hello! I was wondering if maybe I could be added as moderator for ? I submitted a run a couple of weeks ago, but the only moderator hasn't been online in over a year. I've tried contacting him on other sites with no luck. Thanks!

EDIT: Oh, he did finally reply so it's not as important now, lol.

YUMmy_Bacon5 et ShinkenX aime ceci
Utah, USApetfriendamy6 years ago

Fair enough. I guess it won't matter anyway until we start getting like, 7"6 vs. 7"4 or something, lol.

Utah, USApetfriendamy6 years ago

I think it's a fair decision. Just from casual observation, it did seem to me like PAL had advantages over NTSC besides just in-game timer—for example, it seems like the time frame for "cheat combos" (where you drop a block at the exact right time for it to count it as a combo, even though it wasn't actually a combo at all) is a lot looser in PAL, though I don't have specific proof of that. Though if the entire game is running slower, that would probably explain why.

Utah, USApetfriendamy6 years ago

Do you think it would be possible to add a real time clock to the attack modes? The other runners' times are very good, don't get me wrong, but the PAL version's in-game timer is putting NTSC users at a huge disadvantage, lol.

Also, since the attack modes are so short, I wonder if it would be possible to add milliseconds to the time, as well?

Utah, USApetfriendamy6 years ago

The only way I know for sure to play two player is locally. Maybe you can with emulators?

Utah, USApetfriendamy7 years ago

It does look cleaner for sure!

Though I just noticed, the categories for Time Attack and 5 Link Attack are categorized by difficulty for some reason? Except that there are no difficulties for the Attack modes. Might want to fix that!

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