performance: Outlast 2
United Statesnaders2 years ago

Trash run

performance: Outlast 2
United Statesnaders2 years ago

I got stuck on a rock in the beginning; I'm definitely going to improve on this.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

These 1ms runs with no vids are unfair tbh... Unless, I'm wrong and there's some legit way to beat those levels (e.g. Jessica's Death Glitchless Console) in 1ms. I want to run these sections but I don't think I'll ever be able to beat a 1ms run on Console...

performance: Outlast 2
United Statesnaders2 years ago

I'm going to improve this.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

I will do that; I appreciate the help!

performance: Outlast 2
United Statesnaders2 years ago

Still room for improvement.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

As I said, it's pretty early in my Insane runs that my game freezes, making me feel like I wouldn't even be able to complete an entire run without needing even more luck than I already do to accomplish a good time.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

Yeah, I've noticed those slight pauses, but I'm talking about something else; my experience has been that my game freezes and sits on one screen, and while the Outlast audio still plays, my screen gets stuck for so long that I have to restart my Outlast every time this happens.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

I'm playing on the Xbox Series S, and I'm experiencing freezing really early on in my gameplay everyday; I don't even know if I can get through a full playthrough without having my game freeze. Has anybody experienced the same thing?

United Statesnaders2 years ago

Sad day for a speed runner... Lol.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

Yeah, I've tried both of what I believe to be the Chinese languages on Xbox but Outlast 2 stays in English subs for both.

United Statesnaders2 years ago

I tried changing my Xbox system language to Chinese, then went on to Outlast 2, but I had English subs. It's weird because I can get Japanese subs by doing the same method, but since there is only a slight difference in the time you save, I'll stick with Japanese subs for now. Thanks for letting me know!

United Statesnaders2 years ago

Hey, guys does anybody know how to get Chinese subs on Xbox, so far the best subs I can get are Japanese.

United Statesnaders5 years ago

It's faster for the snake key and in not a hero when your squadmate is getting his head chopped off by a saw it saves like 2 to 3 secs aswell but in end of zoe you actually lose time

ReportWroteByLeon aiment ceci
United Statesnaders5 years ago

Ok cause I unlocked everything on the American version and I just switched to cero d

ReportWroteByLeon aiment ceci
United Statesnaders5 years ago

I'm starting to speedrun this game mainly ng+ but am shocked to see that when I start my games and go to the item box all my Unlockables are gone and I just recently switched to cero d for the speedruns but dont know if that has to do with anything and I play on xbox and I didn't delete any save datas and everything is up to date but everything is just gone can anyone help

ReportWroteByLeon aiment ceci
United Statesnaders5 years ago

You should be fine aslong as all parts of the gameplay is recorded and all parts of the gameplay is all in a single segment and there are no parts where gameplay is cut out and the audio must be clear for moderators aswell for it to be verified through phone but all that's manageable so you should be fine.

D0mo aiment ceci
United Statesnaders5 years ago

Are there any language time saves in re2

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