Kent, Englandmorganpg1 year ago

lets go we dont have to wait months for our runs to get verified

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
performance: Couch 2048
Kent, Englandmorganpg1 year ago

Bruh obs why u record in such bad quality

Kent, Englandmorganpg1 year ago

My PC can handle most games well but the cpu is old so stuff like video editing is slow, i plan on upgrading it anyway though.

As of right now the game is very laggy and slow to respond to my cursor movements while others on the leader board are fine.

I tried playing it on my phone which works with no lag until i start recording

Here is a run i submitted which shows the lag:

How can i fix this?

Gaming_64 aiment ceci
À propos de morganpg
speedrunning fun
1 year ago
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