fil: Valheim
Québechuxxny3 years ago

maybe its too early atm to segment the leaderboards even further adding hardcore as a subcategory... but long term, i think we should consider imho...

they might add it as a mode, a lot of ppl play and seems interested running it that way... and not only you don't play the same, but some strats might not be applicable (like setting up portals and killing yourself to complete the setup from spawn point them going back to get our gears, as an exemple...)

fil: Valheim
Québechuxxny3 years ago

As a meme and a way to recycle dead runs, i created this, and there are legit game mechanics to prevent you from reaching the edge quickly, so in that regard, i think its a really interesting idea and i'm looking forward to play and route NG over NG+... anyhow, i hope it inspire the community so that we add it as Miscellaneous... <3

Québechuxxny4 years ago

Hi, i would like to know if other categories, like the other difficulty levels, but most precisely, Pacifist%, could be considered for ILs?

Québechuxxny4 years ago

ooooooh, i feel like an idiot, but makes sense now, i knew it was a thing, i was just looking in the wrong place, so i thought it was broken... thank u so much!! <3 @Oreo321

Québechuxxny4 years ago

hi, not sure if this is a bug or intended... but i need help!

dha aiment ceci
Québechuxxny6 years ago

So, here's a game that is arguably NOT a game, since its an asset flip, barely a demo, that was somehow put on the wiiu eshop by a questionable dev...


anyway, long story short, its not really a game, it doesn't deserve any attention, the other runner/mod disappeared a while back and i inherited the board and WR out of nowhere... and i'm gonna delete the only "run" there, mine, after posting this... and hopefully you guys can get rid of it entirely and we can all forget it was ever a thing since it shouldn't have been one in the first place...

tx, and have a good day

Imaproshaman aiment ceci
Québechuxxny6 years ago

So this game is kinda tricky to time... i used to start time as the 1st cutscene started since we can skip it since we are already giving the game significant inputs... and stop it just before fade out, after a long series of dialogue where we technically still have control...

Now, a new runner suggested that we change the current method in favor of stopping time before the long dialogue at the end, while Arid is behind the wall as we entered the medical center...

Both method have their merits and i really would like to have some feedback before we re-timed any of the runs...

TrickshotNoobi et VAK25 aime ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

alright, tx, just wanted to make sure since its probably against twitch and youtube TOS, so it could have been prohibited on this site too, so i didn't want to take any chances accepting it before asking...

Québechuxxny7 years ago

"- Another key part of moderating is verifying and rejecting runs. When it comes to this, no runs should be rejected for anything other than gameplay."

So i have a run here, and the VOD clearly shows the runners (its a coop run) smoking joins at the beginning of the run... since i never had to deal with this situation in the past, and i'm personally not judging them, part of me wants to follow this directive, and allow the run, since it doesn't have anything to do with the gameplay... BUT, i'm also kinda uncomfortable to accept it w/o consulting the community first... so what are this site policies concerning these types of behaviors?

Imaproshaman aiment ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

alright, so, i just want to point out before i say anything that nobody is accused of any wrong doing, so don't panic, nor feel targeted by this measure, but i think i found out what's going on...

so some of you might have heard that in the recent year quite a few runs done on emulator were actually proven to be fake, and the community as a whole is taking this matter really seriously... and as far as i know, proving or disproving the validity of a run is far from being an easy task, but there are ppl working on resolving the issues and many community and moderators are taking preventive measure to protect the integrity of the leaderboards... now, i know how it sounds, and if you have done nothing wrong, then u have nothing to worry about, like just be patient and hope the situation get resolved quickly (i myself do most of my runs on emulator atm, so i'm on the same boat, so i know how u can feel about this)...

but meanwhile, i highly suggest you take every measures available you can to make sure there's no suspicions over the legitimacy of your runs, and that include, obviously, running on actual console if you go for a top time in any popular games, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, streaming your attempts, or at least keep a recording of your last session where you got your PB so that ppl can see your skill level and be able to judge if you're actually capable of making the run you've submitted... in other words, the rules that apply for SMB1 submissions might very well become the norm in the near future, so be prepare, cuz as they say, better be safe than sorry...

now, what's gonna happen, idk, but this is all the info i could gather on the situation and all the advise i can give you guys, so i hope it helped, tho i can understand your disappointment and frustration with the current situation...

Graystripe aiment ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

So here's the deal, DK and I, both used to split on final boss last hit (SDA Timing) but after seeing the comment on the latest submitted run today about splitting early, i decided to re-watching every runs and i noticed that most ppl seems to prefer to split at the "Stage Clear" announcement, which make sense since its more precise and make the timing more consistent. Therefore, i'll re-timed my run later (unfortunatly i can't re-timed DK's run since twitch deleted the VOD, tx twitch) and i'll adjust the rules consequently.

Québechuxxny7 years ago

i just saw this tread a few minutes ago, and i didn't even realized myself before just now that the leaderboards were splits into 2... i have no idea what's the reasoning behind that move, but i do agree that there's no reason for excluding recognized emu, and if some emulators are inaccurate, those ones should be banned instead of treating emu runs differently... but yeah, in the long run, idk, and some ppl might argue that there are good reasons behind that change, so, i'll try to ask around to see what's up with that... ;)

Graystripe aiment ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

you seems to have taken my comments the wrong way, i'm not telling you nor anyone, in any way, shape or form NOT to run new categories, on the contrary, i'm simply explaining that if someone wants a new category to become a thing, they must first run it... otherwise we could make millions of empty boards just to make sure that if someone one day wanted to run whatever game with whatever restriction they would have a place to post it.... its just not the way it works...

i run multiples games and categories that nobody else run, and it doesn't bother me that there isn't a leaderboard for them... if something deserves to become a leaderboard it will happen...

i mean, i did explain in the other tread that i DO run Game B... it doesn't mean that it deseves a board yet and i explained why...

so please, don't take my explanations as an attack on you nor you ideas, cuz it wasn't... if anything, i actually plead in your favor and told you what to do to help make it happen... ;)

Pear et Nolcolem aime ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

i don't think this is a bad idea, it should be considered, but its not just up to me, and i already know ppl who thinks otherwise... and right now, i don't think its well defined, like which LV should we considered? only the first 3 or all of them? how many LVs are there? how interesting/complicated would it be to keep tracks of and verify ILs time for a game like DK? etc...


here's my suggestion, and that apply for any category for any game that you guys would like to run... make it a reality 1st and then ask for it... meaning, if you want to run ILs, go for it, record some runs of it, and make it popular among the community, and then it may become a reality...

that will help define the category (in terms or ruling/timing. etc) as well as probing the community's interest to said caterogy...

for exemple, i would like to see a 1up% or 100K%, but until i make runs of it, and manage to make it popular enough, it won't become a category simply cuz i had the idea that it could be interesting, simply cuz i wish there was one...

see what i'm saying here? so here's my msg to you guys: run the games you want, the way you want, and eventually, if you get enough attention on what you're doing, if you generate enough "buzz" around something, it will become aknowledged... but if like me you run games/categories that nobody cares about, as long as you're having fun, that's what matters, getting boards presence and official ranking should be secondary!! ;D

so if DK's ILs runs become interesting enough, one day it will become an official category, just remember that mods on this site are not in place to prevent you from having fun and recognition, we're at the service of the community, and if something like the addition of a new category is reasonable and required, it will happen... just be patient and put the effort in it...

Beck aiment ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

normally, i wouldn't be against it, but...

i once asked the SMB community to add 2nd quest/loop as a category, and their answer was: its too similar to be interesting... and even tho i strongly disagree, in a sense, they were right, it IS very similar and in term of routing and execution, there IS very little differences, even tho there are some...

point being, it eventually became a meme category (now called categories extensions) and there's barely any interest for it for the very reason that they were right in the 1st place...

now, i've personnaly did some runs of Game B and my PB is almost the exact same, and i can tell you from experience, Game B is the EXACT same as Game A, the only difference is it takes longer, meaning it takes more attempts, to get a good run going, since the RNG is a bit worst, hence why its called Game B aka hard mode, but other than that, its the same experience in terms of routing and execution... there's no noticeable increases in speed, number of barrels nor enemies, nothing...

so unless i can be proven wrong and that there's is some differences, there's no reason to consider a board for this atm...

PS: keep running Game B for yourself if you're enjoying it, put your archived runs on youtube like i do, and who knows, maybe one day... maybe someone will make a good argument in favor of Game B, but i wouldn't hold my breath!! ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

most old school arcady games that loops only consider one loop for the speedrun...

i think galaga recently added such category, so nothing's stoping you from making a run 'till kill screen and then request the category with a submission or on this forum! ;)

as a general rule, categories are considered and recognized when enough ppl makes runs of said caterory and then when the community agree that it would be a good addition to have a board for it, it become one...

Québechuxxny7 years ago

i rejected a run this morning cuz i had no idea of which platform/emu it was... apprently its called 8bits hits, looks like a web browser thingy...

i would like to hear some feedback on this, what are you guys thinking? was i wrong to refuse it? anyone knows anything about this emu?

Québechuxxny7 years ago

The category for High Score is not well defined right now, so i can't verify Flobeamer1922's run right now, but imho, it should be something like 20K-25K, when you get a 1up (also the only time you get one in the entier game i think) or something like 100K, which would make a good goal since it would be challenging enough that routing and execution would make a difference... but surely, trying to score any amount of points and just stop the timer shouldn't be consider a run...

garadas21 aiment ceci
Québechuxxny7 years ago

I've decided to remove any category/difficulty that isn't being run currently in the spirit of improving this game's presentation by simplifying the whole thing and also to prevent current nor future speedrunning drama concerning this topic...

Therefore, i will lose a few unlegitimate WRs but no one esle will be affected and meanwhile, i will try to implement a variable for which character is being used in future run submissions...

As always, if anyone has request/suggestion about new categories, please let me know!! ;D

Québechuxxny7 years ago

Since this control scheme is inherently slower than "normal", and therefore, will most probably never be used by anyone else, i decided to remove the easy, normal and hard leaderboards associated with it...

The main reason is to improve and simplify this game's presentation, but also to remove what would be considered an unlegitimate WR for me since i'm the only one who made a run using it...

I also changed the main categories' names accordingly and put all the low% ones under "misc"...

As always, if anyone has any suggestion/request to improve this page, please let me know!! ;D

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