fil: Spider-Man 3
A split would make a lot of sense but considering you're the only runner that obviously a bit pointless to do for now. I'd love to see a growing community for this game though.
fil: Spider-Man 3
Would be a 360 run since I have zero clue how to obtain the game on PC. Are there any stark differences between console and PC? Besides load times.
fil: Spider-Man 3
I would like to run the game but if I submit a run would it even be verified? This game looks dead ash.
fil: Prototype
No problem was just curious would love to run this just learning and remembering the route's gonna be hard.
fil: Prototype
Wanna speedrun this game i've played through it casually a lot. Is there any skips or glitches used in the run?
DeathCrow_YT aiment ceci
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