I see in this link: https://www.speedrun.com/kh2fm?h=Any-ENG-Console_60_FPS-Beginner&x=jdrpq026-jlzxgp58.jqzjzjml-6njqqmjl.810m6rwl-yn2joj85.0q56o21p a table of a series of values (with the name of beginners,standard,proud,ecc.) and I want to say what is it and how to create it
There's another value that can be add in the rank, like the ng and ng+ because in NG+ you can repeat the levels early using the enchatix's character. For this, you are better strong with damage and you have a particular ability that can be useful to narrow the time like the boomerang's aisha. This ultimate, can nearly shoots better the first bosses in the first chapters.
I've 1.0 gta sa version. Is good?
Thank for the help but I resolved using the live in ps4
So you can't mutate videos? In that case, it's also okay to do a live on play. I have a clip where it cut 3 seconds of run
Can you send a run (for individual levels), with a video but mutated, perhaps for privacy issues?
when I put the following gif in the 1st trophy icon (without any transparent background) it turns to png the moment I put it and in the leaderboard you see an image in png format, rather than the gif. How can this be fixed?
I think someone has already asked, but before in this site, if I'm not mistaken, there was a service to find a series of users using filters such as nationality, number of records, etc.. Why has it been removed? In my humble opinion, it was useful to make a report of what users get out of speedruns.
not really, better to give an example (unfortunately I'm new to doing this stuff): In this game, and especially in these categories https://www.speedrun.com/sbtya#Man_Ray_RTA https://www.speedrun.com/sbtya#Sinister_Slug_RTA https://www.speedrun.com/sbtya#Jumbo_Shrimp_RTA I want to add mainly two sub-categories: %only and %all BUT only in these 3 categories and then transfer the runs from one of these above categories. Ah, of course respecting the consoles from which you made the run (PSP,NDS)
I have to make,in a subcategory,two other subcategories,but doing so,manually,will lose all the runs of the players. Do you know how to avoid this? That is, put these 2 subcategories in one and automatically add the runs in each of the 2.
I would like to ask you if you can open "sub games" so that I can request minigames made by other users, thanks to the rec-room game. I have a recorded speedurn of a well-known parkour. I think it can be done, as roblox has also done this. You could also do a rec room series. Just like it was done with roblox
In the psp version of the game you can't use the option to use 2 players at the same time. So, the run will go differently than on fixed consoles. If you could make this distinction, I thank you.