North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

ok so, not to keep the forum on this topic but after reading your forum posts in there. It's just a worse version of your cheating forum here. Trash talking mods and others that have a better time and accusing them of cheating with no proof. On top of that, you were the only one being an "a hole". The other mods were trying to calmly explain your mistake because they thought it was that, a mistake. You kept going and started insulting the mods and the runners until they realized you're just upset that your not the best at the game and locked the forum post.

FunkyYosh, rec et 4 autres aime ceci
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I completely agree. Forums are a place for getting help not for people making posts about their returns because they decided to buy the game again.

Mars02, lgkimpel et 3 autres aime ceci
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Having a time on screen isn't a ??????????? but it helps a lot with verification. A camera pointed at a screen is perfectly fine in terms of video proof.

blueYOSHI aiment ceci
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

most boards would consider using an everdrive to run a game on official hardware emulation so idk why it would be different here.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Your not allowed to ask for roms because sharing roms is illegal.

darG, B1GEY3DPYTH0N et 4 autres aime ceci
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

After extracting everything I have 3 .z64s. I have a 400k file that looks like it's a manual(?). I have a 1kb file that pj64 won't load and another file that's 4,096 kb. The last one is in a folder called sxs-iqsm and project 64 says it's emulating but the framerate is blank and there is a blank screen. I extracted it from the folder iQue_Mario_CHN_iQP-SUXX. I might just be extracting from the wrong folder but I'm not sure what else I could have missed when extracting.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I found the dump and extracted everything but the z64s are giving me a black screen.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Replays are fine if the time can be seen in the video.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Really? Can you send me screenshots of the frames? not sure how I was that far off.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I don't think it was a splice just his capture card not cooperating that well. A lot of HD capture cards do that eventually.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Runs accepted before this change will stay. This rule only effects runs after today.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

just a quick update regarding ILs. All runs that claim WR on an IL must supply a video. No exceptions.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

85 Exit is all the exits you can get without getting star coins.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

There are almost no times in existence that can't be beaten. Proven that an IL can be improved doesn't warrant a forum post.

leggyleg aiment ceci
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I think you mistaked the reset I made at the beginning of the video to be the start of my run. I reset after having a bad first key grab. If that's not the case, can you explain how it didn't line up with the video? going through with the youtube player, it seemed like everything was timed correctly.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I’ve been retiming by the 30 FPS these videos were both recorded in but the Atari framerate that I could find is 59.922751. That’s the framerate that bizhawk gives me.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I decided to make a quick tas to see where frames could be saved, a theoretical best possible time, and see if I could find anything regarding optimization or the birds. Here is what I noticed.

  1. The optimal place to grab the black key is actually from the top left corner. This will mean that the key will be towards the bottom left but it is actually possible to readjust with the screen transition. If you place the key on the perfect spot where it will be on the other side before you transition (pixel perfect to my knowledge which means a 3 frame window) and then hold down left, if you time your up left correctly, you can get the key to be directly left of you which you can readjust from there.

  2. When going through the bird patterns I found one that I believe to be the fastest. It starts with both the green and the yellow bird popping up in the room before entering the maze. They will both chase you into the maze but, I found that if you are against the wall to the right and time a left press correctly, the bird catching you, actually loses no time at all. In the tas I only got caught by the green bird but I would think the yellow bird would also catch you in most cases. The reason I think this is faster is because when you get to the castle, because the bird appeared earlier and is in the maze, there is no bird in the room with the chalice meaning you don't have to go over anything and you can easily leave the room.

I don't have a video of the tas yet but I did do a frame count so I could get a time for it. 1911 frames / the 59.922751 framerate of the atari 2600 is 31.891 seconds. I'm working on getting a quick video out showing the tas and I will edit this post when I have it uploaded. I hope this will help some people trying to lower their pb's

If anyone wants the input file you can dm me on discord and I will send it.

edit: got the tas uploaded . (sorry for the bad quality but it was the highest quality I could export it in)

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I determined the first frame as when the screen changes from the game select to the castle which as far as I can tell is the moment the player gains control.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I don’t want any changes to the rules I just needed a little more clarification on the ending time. I would like these times adjusted as .303 and .313 aren’t viable frames and after retiming both of them they are way off. I do like the end time of changing colors and using that Nestorc’s time would be .266, beatmaster’s would be .499, (being the first frame the color is different). The main thing I want is for these times to be adjusted to whatever timing the mods feel necessary and put a clear definition on the exact end time into the rules. Thanks for clarifying an end time and reading all this.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

So after having a couple of my runs retimed I realized that the 1st and 2nd place run times would not be possible on a 30 fps video. A frame in a 30 fps video is .03333333333 you get the idea, and neither 32.303 or 32.313 fit as a viable frame. the 2 frames closest to them are 32.299 and 32.332. When I found this out I decided to get these 2 videos retimed and what I found was a lot different than what I expected. Here is the vid of OverworldYT and I retiming the "WR" of 32.303. (he had the editing software and I knew the frames) Because of the vague end rule of "when you bring the chalice into the golden castle," the end frame I came up with was when the square got re-positioned if he goes into the castle and the frame the player loses control if he doesn't. BeatMaster2003 stopped a frame earlier than when the square got re-positioned but I decided to go with his timing because the rules do not state which would be correct. Even with the frame cut off the time we got was 32.432. This is a while off of what he came up with which was .303. After this I decided to retime second place as well because it didn't fit either. The video for that is here . After retiming that to the frames I decided earlier for my retimes (which I can provide a screenshot if needed), the time was .232 which is a lot better than he originally got (on a side note I don't understand how he got .313, my only guess is that he took the .31 on livesplit and added a 3) both these times are way off and need to be adjusted. If anyone wants screenshots of where timing started and stopped for each run I can provide them. If you would like to see the runs themselves with the timer from the editing software, you can see them here BeatMaster: Nestorc: Please adjust these runs and make the rules a little more clear about end timing.

OverworldYT aiment ceci
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