Arizona, USAchaotickreg6 years ago

I played this game as a kid and it always seemed unique. It was a game based on a movie/book that was actually GOOD. It seemed like a ripoff of Final Fantasy but with its own intriguing item and level systems. The map is so open, there are so many secrets to find. When I found it at a game store about a month ago, I knew I had to speedrun it and find all of the optimizations. It's obvious even to a casual player that it has some glitches. I am so curious about this game, I want to discover more game breaking glitches so that it can be beat in under an hour. There must be some sort of memory manipulation glitch to save a bunch of time, like frogEXP glitch. I know it must be possible, and if nobody else will run this game then I guess I will have to dig through ROM, ORAM, etc in an emulator until I figure something out. I can tell that there is so much potential speed tech possible, why has nobody come up with anything new in 2 years?

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6 years ago
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6 years ago