Hungary_SmitE_1 year ago

Thanks! 😉

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_1 year ago

Wow mate! Nice run! I might have to reconsider to do this run again, to claim back my 1st place! 😉

Denotu aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

So... I spoke with the moderators of the Dynasty Warriors series and they created a seperate game, called Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper. So my question is irrelevant now. Sorry. But thanks anyway

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

All of the factions, and difficulty settings has been added. Enjoy! 😉

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

So... Denotu just disappeard... I left some messages under his video, but he never answered to them. And hes last appearance on was still 3 years ago... I'm kinda hopeless now

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

I don't really know. In Dw4 Hyper you can set the difficulty to Easy, Medium and Hard. In you can submit your clips as Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert. I don't know how Dw4 Extreme Legends looks like, but in Hyper Hard is the "most difficult" that you can choose.

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

I wrote a comment under his video, and he responded to it after ~5 min! He said that he will add PC to the platforms later today. Thanks for the help anyway CODGAMES.

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

Then do you have an idea, or do you know how can we contact with him? I don't see any social media links at his profile.

Or how can I/someone request a game - Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper? Is there an official way? Or just simply dm the Dynasty Warriors series' moderators?

CODGAMES aiment ceci
Hungary_SmitE_3 years ago

Can we have a platform for PC too? Or a complitely new game site for Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper? I really enjoy this game, and recently I started to record my best attempts, and I want to submit them, but the allowed platforms are only PS2 and Xbox. Is that possible to add PC to the platforms too? I would much appreciate that.

CODGAMES aiment ceci
À propos de _SmitE_
3 years ago
En ligne
1 month ago
Jeux joués
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper
Dernière run 1 year ago
Jeux suivis
Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 4
Dernière visite 3 years ago
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper
Dernière visite 1 month ago
Will You Snail?
Will You Snail?
Dernière visite 2 years ago
Jeux modérés
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper
Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper
Dernière action 4 months ago