performance: Noita
PolandYolksyb131 month ago

Oopsie that might have been the case. Will do o7

fil: Noita
PolandYolksyb133 months ago

Sure, bosskiller in the no gold category will become more difficult to find but the hard cold truth is that the meta will still be cut any% - teleportitis without exceptions as the movement option, at least for WR. Nothing even comes close to the speed of it counting in the no gold factor.

As for the Pacifist, going away from any% similarities to freeze + BH seems fairly fine, that plus some kind of angry ghost BH + freeze field looks viable... On second thought he category seems promising

fil: Noita
PolandYolksyb133 months ago

True pacifist% entails digging to the end room/going back up to the altar - neither of which look too interesting as speedrunning options. This can work with the "Almost a pacifist" achievement/trophy which demands you to kill nobody but kolmi. This way it'd be more clear and straightforward but still share the spirit of a pacifist category but also be easy to validate as killing anything would not make that trophy appear in the end room - parallel to hitless with the beard statue

fil: Noita
PolandYolksyb135 months ago

So as you might have guessed, to actually make the mod do more than it's supposed to is akin to creating a whole new mod altogether. This doesn't look too abusable to me.

EDIT:I have also recently found out you can check your unlocks through noitool, you paste your flags folder into and it shows you your unlocks. Potential new way to actually make sure of your unlocks which would allow to surely check seeds? (Probably known of already and for a reason not used)

fil: Noita
PolandYolksyb135 months ago

So that is a valid concern with this type of modifiaction and I agree. What if people insert a seed in there somewhere they know or what if the acceleratium isn't the only modified thing. And I was afraid of that too, but this is the entire mod, the whole entirety of a single .lua file:

fil: Noita
PolandYolksyb136 months ago

People are quitting. There aren’t many new faces speedrunning.

Aliasbot, a very renowned member of the community, reportedly quit because of the tediousness of resets. And probably because he has a life.

Gotcoppu did, as can be seen because of his recent tweets.

WorkingJoe apparently does all flask starts for this reason too, though I only heard that briefly so I can't be sure. Same thing. [Edit: His 8th place Any% is an acid flask start]

There are probably many more names I don't know since I'm fairly new to the community.

This issue isn’t prevalent only in Noita speedrunning. A very good comparison can be made with mapless start hunting in Minecraft speedrunning. I watch that game from time to time but even as uninvolved as I am, I hear all about the boredom that mapless brings. Many people quit there too. Famous names. And mapless is if you didn't know, a buried treasure chest you'd normally get to with a map - a chest on the shore of a beach that has a rare chance of spawning that contains all the loot you need before going to the nether. It is the fastest way to go but unfortunately the most grindy, due to the RNG. And as it is part of the game, you simply have to bear with it there. In Noita? It's totally reasonable to skip a couple seeds in the generation process.

Another thing about Minecraft I wanted to mention is the Ninjabrain bot issue. To explain, Ninjabrain bot was created by Ninjabrain, a very in-the-know Minecraft speedrunner with an incredibly impressive amount of math knowledge. The software he created has the ability to measure the angles of Eyes of Ender [Eyes that go in the direction of the end portal when thrown] and upon measuring the angles of at least one eye [but most likely two], the bot tells you the exact location of the 'starter staircase' of the End Fortress that the eyes point to.

You might ask, how in the hell is this even allowed? Well, at first it was not. Then since the bot was out, people started creating huge spreadsheets of all the possible angles in excel, using the formula and since you can't simply ban 'calculation' 'thinking' etc. the bot was in the end legalized.

A parallel can be made to Noita. Why is this mod that doesn't involve itself in the gameplay, not to mention creating the world [Yeah, it does mess a little, just to the extent of skipping seeds] not applicable and allowed to be used?

Let's talk about the safety of the mods and the risks of manipulation or cheating using them.

Since the rule change of April 4th, 2023, all types of savefiles aside from that one flag for the bossess to drop regeneraton hearts, are allowed. All the unlocks. And this, if anyone wished and tried hard enough, is easily abusable. You can’t check the seed’s RNG afterwards if you don’t have the exact unlocks.Noitool shows bogus results if you try. So, if a person is running a slim save file [as is the most optimal – to only unlock a couple of bosskiller spells that spawn on wands and keep the spell pool as condensed as possible] it makes it basically impossible to verify 100%. You just have to trust. There might be ways of validation I’m not exposed to, to be fair.

My expertise is not coding/modding so I do not know for sure but according to Letaali, you absolutely could, for example

modify .xml files of a mod to look innocent in the "Mods" section in the game

e.g. edit increase some spells’ chance mod -and rename that shit to Streamer Wands or something

Add another functionality to an otherwise allowed mod so it still looks innocent but is not.

Sideload mods, which, good luck finding.

Therefore, I don’t think there is a reason for this mod to be under any more or less scrutiny than other innocuous looking mods

My Hitless Any% WR uses UI:Timer Hits Depth, has anyone got 100% sure way of telling whether I didn’t jack the chances up?

'So the question to be considered is if use of this mod would be acceptable for random seed speedruns'

This was the original question. Therefore, I ask. Whether what I mentioned is reasonable to be added to RSS, or under a subcategory. No iterating [unless a whole another category imo]

Whether added or not, I'd very much like an answer.

I will also probably still run the game until I get tired of it even if this doesn’t get added.

Thanks for reading this essay, came out longer than I wanted.

fil: Noita
PolandYolksyb136 months ago

Seeing as the discussion has stagnated, I wanted to give my insight and present a potential solution to the situation. If you don't know who I am, I've began speedrunning the game about 2 months ago and been in love with speedrunning since. I have achieved a little bit here and there, mainly in the 'short' categories: Any%, Low%, Overfed% and Hitless Any%. I have been a little discouraged with just how stale long speedrunning sessions have become recently. As you can guess this is going to have some personal feelings mixed in, as much as I'd like to present unbiased opinions only.

[EDIT: I'm going to talk about short speedruns only as that's what I've got experience in. All bosses is likely to be impacted less for now due to the routes and RNG getting more spread out and the time saves come from more than just the start. This is likely to change as the runs get more and more optimized. As can be seen from short categories. The short categories didn't use to be accel-start only for WR untill about sub 3, maybe sub 2:40~.]

I think it's important to establish right away just how important starting with acceleratium is for great times. It saves around 10 seconds in the starting walk to the entrance of Mines ALONE, around the same amount in the last HM as you can't simply skip the walk to the boss, not to mention any horizontal movements needed to traverse the zones, and even if you were to get good RNG in the first HM, and get Teleport bolts, that's still an additional RNG element if you don't just so happen to be running Low% when you get LDC Teles regardless.

Now it is by no means mandatory and for new speedrunners just to get acclimated to the playstyle, I would personally recommend actually playing the game with any starting flask. You can still achieve great times. Yes, you very much can. But in the more competitive WR grinds, you unfortunately have to go for acceleratium.

Yeah. Playing the game. Did you know that in in order to play the game when speedrunning for WR, you need to pass the 'relatively common event' barrier of 4.83%? Yeah, you straight up don't get to participate in the activity otherwise. And if you think waiting until the game decides to give you the 'ok' signal to start playing is not rare or tedious, I implore you. Please. Try it for 2 hours. Even 1 hour is enough. Then tell me whether you had the time of your life or not. Now this all comes from a person who managed to reset ~50k times in those 2 months which is as much as jaytothejee, current 2nd place holder of Any%, has on his account and he started 2 years ago.

If you want to achieve any respectable time within, I'd guess top 5 probably you have to have accel. And don't make the mistake of 'oh, this is just another RNG barrier in a game infested with RNG elements already' This is different. You don't play the game. And I know that repeating the argument doesn't make it any more valid.

I think we should look around different speedrunning communities and their issues with 'Tools That Assist Runs' or as you would otherwise call them 'TAS'. Now this mod is NOT TAS. According to wkipedia: A tool-assisted speedrun or tool-assisted superplay (TAS) is generally defined as a speedrun or playthrough composed of precise inputs recorded with tools such as video game emulators. Tool-assisted speedruns are generally created with the goal of creating theoretically perfect playthroughs.

And I want to make it clear. It doesn't get involved in the run itself and the only involvement in the game it has is before the world is created. To the best of my understanding, it looks at a seed's starting flask and if it doesn't see acceleratium it proceeds to the next one until it finds one. I see it as nothing more than the resetting script taken to the extreme. Unlike the filtered seed category of minecraft which handpicks good RNG inside a seed. For this reason, I don’t think it is bad nor is it harmful to the integrity of the game.

Now it can become harmful if it is iterated on. And this is where I stand strongly. For anything beyond Any% inclusion or even being a subcategory of its own in the state it is now, it would NOT be implemented. No more filters are to be added. This is the done deal. Not even choosing a different flask is okay. Why? Well, it’s because of its aim. To save time. No one resets for chaotic polymorphine to get a worm start. And while the RNG needed is heavier both to get polymorphed to a specific creature and the Holy Mountain spell+perk RNG, which would be actually reasonable to get with the mod, it’s the abuse of trust and the arbitrary goalposts and fences we would move and cross. The reason I insist so strongly is because this should, in my opinion, be the mod’s only aim. To reduce frustration of resetting. It's just that it's very easy to slip into this slippery slope of 'if this progresses anymore, we have seeded runs in random seed categories'. That should be its only purpose. To save time.

jaytothejee aiment ceci
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