GermanyWilko7 years ago

There have been more optimization and new skips being found in the Yooka Laylee Speedrun, i will write a summary of the tricks below. My time is currently a 36:04 in any% The load removal isn't working smoothly yet, so i'm actually losing a bit of time to loads to other runners, but the time is still fairly close to the Record. Yooka Laylee is currently the only game i focus on, so there will be further improvements coming up. There is a lot of minor movement tricks and skips, so i will just list the most important ones:

First we found a way to skip the tutorial by doing a series of jumps on the ship and trees to get over the cliff and skipping talking to Trowzer and him opening the gate. After that there is a cutscene skip before entering Hivory Towers by jumping over the trigger, so there door opens itself without having to watch the cutscene. After that we skip some platforming with some precise jumps. The next trick is the most technical one. We position YL behind a bush while activating the cutscene preventing him from walking towards the cutscene and therefore clipping out of bounds. We stay in the OoB area while making our way to a certain shortcut, which enables us to skip another cutscene and the first quiz of the game. Then that we skip the book maze in the archive with a precise jump to clip through the final book and get the pagie instantly. After that we get to a ramp on which you are supposed to be covered in honey to be able to make it up there, but with some precise jumps and air attacks, we can manage to get up there without it. The next movement skip is the bridge guarded by windblowers. You are supposed to be in metal state to get past it, but with a good setup you can take the wind into account and make it to the other side with precise roll jumps. After that we skip world 3 and make our world to the next hub area, where we use the acid to clip out of bounds and skip learning camouflage, which would be needed to get into the casino. In the Casino we can skip the entry door, which would also require camo with some precise jumps. In the casino itself we do some more platform skipping and activate a textbox before exiting the level to skip it the next time we talk to the same NPC. After that we use the same acid clip and fly into the final door, which requires 100 pagies to open. But since we clip in there we get to the final boss with 12 pagies (which is currently required to learn flight) There are no glitches on the final boss, but there are a lot of optimizations to speed up the fight in spite of having a limited moveset and health.

The game has been broken down and optimized incredibly fast already and there are tons of runners putting work in, so i expect movement and tricks to be more refined by the time ESA takes place. If there is any more questions you can always write me on discord, twitter or in my stream.

GermanyWilko7 years ago

Update: The Yooka-Laylee speedrun turns out to be a lot shorter than expected because of a huge skip that was found. The any% run is about 50 minutes now. It features a lot of fast movement and plenty of little movement skips. Additionally there is a skip to talking to trowzer and him opening the gate, a cutscene skip to skip the hivory tower entrance cutscene, world 3 skip, which allows us to skip an entire world, and the final door skip, which requires you to get out of bounds and fly into the elevator from underneath. A lot of runners are working on optimizing strats and finding new glitches, so it will improve a lot in the near future aswell.

Fatzke aiment ceci
GermanyWilko7 years ago

I think the Practice Codes V 1.4 Download File still contains the code that resets Pinna Park

GermanyWilko8 years ago

Hi, had to take a break from streaming, so i wasn't able to invest as much time into my speedgames as i wanted to. The good news is that i will be able to do runs daily now until i go to ESA. My goals for each Game/Category are still the same and i'm on a good pace to reach them. The next month i will focus on Banjo Kazooie first, if it makes the second cut. Linkus7 and i didn't know we both submitted Banjo, so we would like to do a race, if that is still possible. As for the games:

Super Mario Sunshine: I improved my Sunshine any% time to a 1:18:52 () I haven't done any runs in the 120 Shines category since i submitted. If Sunshine gets into ESA i will focus solely on the category that will be run at the event to improve my time as much as i can.

Banjo Kazooie: I improved my time to a 2:51:07 so far (), but now that i'm able to grind the game daily i expect a much faster time very soon. My average times on my segments are already faster than my PB, so i expect a big PB in the upcoming days. I also talked to some of the top Banjo runners and they will help me to get consistent at the most entertaining glitches like Camera-Softlock, Void-Outs and Yorb-Skip

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