I've discored an interesting skip. At the end of WiFi, you need to wait for some bits to do a long path in order to fill the "bit pool" so that you can access the pipe. I've discovered that by climbing at the top and just jumping in the pipe, you can clip through it and skip the entire puzzle & waiting time.
For now, the only "big" skip I found is this one:
Instead of going down and riding the elevator up, you can actually drop yourself in the acid and it will respawn you upstairs.
Not a huge time save, but it's very easy to do, just drop below in the intended way but instead of reaching the platform, spam the duplicate button on the cable and let yourself drown in the acid.
I actually discovered that on my first casual run by mistake lol
We are a few that try to speedrun the game but we see that the mods are kinda inactive, do you think it would be possible to add more active verifiers/moderators? I am currently a supermod & verifier on a few other games, I know how it works if needed. I also see an improvement that can be done to the leaderboard display.
I've created the Community Discord if you'd like to be invested a bit more in this very recent community :)
Hello, I'm interested to speedrun this game, do you plan on detailing the categories rules?
Thanks :)
Hello everyone finally I can post!
So I'm here to discuss a route I found that allows many things, and avoid using the XP exploit.
Basically, in 2:45:22, I have killed The Scarab, I'm level 18 and a half, and I have discovered every city needed for the rest of game. For comparaison, in 2:45, BnH247 is level 18 (almost 19) but he still have to kill the Scarab, and travel to each location by feet.
It's not a big time save, but I think it's a bit faster. It needs a lot of optimization to be very good.
So basically I do the normal quests, just gather 750 bonus XP at the start by picking up the scroll and solving it right away, then I do the camp and the Anvil quest, kill Medunamun and leave Siwa.
Then my route starts, and I do this: https://imgur.com/i3uf4PY
On my road, I go to specific locations that are fast to complete. I also do 3 specific quests that gives a lot of XP:
- 1500 XP at Letopolis in 1:58 (118 sec)
- 3750 XP at Krokodilopolis in 6:11 (371 sec, could have been a lot faster)
- 2250 XP at Cyrene in 1:48 (108 sec)
I am considering uploading a video of that segment. Will someone be interested ?