New York, USAViTruth4 months ago

With the removal of Capstone dungeons from D4 with season 6 and the Expansion, we will be archiving the Capstone (Cathedral of Light and Fallen Temple) Speedrun categories.

There are now several new potential categories with the content that has been added as well, including the Vessel of Hatred campaign

performance: Diablo IV
New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

Retimed by MOD to 5:37:53

Mattbgame aiment ceci
New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

Have reorganized seasonal categories from each season to a general Seasonal category separated by patch and re-verified runs.

If you notice an error on the patch you ran it may have automatically defaulted to the wrong patch. Currently working on properly updating to reflect accuracy. Please feel free to let me know if you notice an error.

Sorry to all the runners for the spam updates in your inbox while this was happening.

New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

A reminder to use a Timer when you do a speedrun.

There is a link in** resources** to Livesplit timer; and Jymnasium made a great guide on how to set up for a speedrun under guides.

Not using a timer, or not including in your VOD, takes a significantly longer amount of time to verify a run, and it will likely not have priority to be verified over other submitted runs that do include a timer even if they were submitted first.

New York, USAViTruth9 months ago
Cathedral of Light, Fallen Temple, and Campaign have been updated to include rules on tempering and allowance cache. 
Cathedral of light and Fallen Temple have been updated to include rules on Blood Maiden and Aberrant Cinders.

What is allowed?

  • You can start on any world tier and change it at any time through the character selection screen or at the world tier statue in Kyovashad
  • You can use the mount at level 1
  • You can use the 10 skill points, potion slots, altars stats and paragon points from the renown system.
  • You can repair at the Blacksmith
  • You may ONLY use the Blacksmith to temper when you hit 15, at which time the Temper quest populates
  • You can upgrade your potion and craft elixirs at the Alchemist
  • You can buy gear with gold at all Vendors
  • You may ONLY gamble gear at the Purveyor of Curiosities if you show proof that you are starting your run with 19 Obols or less and it MUST be shown before leaving town for the first time in your run. When you gamble, you must NOT go below your starting value. (e.g if you start with 19 Obols, you must never go below 19 Obols - if it happens on accident, just drop the item)
  • You may ONLY use the Occultist when you hit level 25, you can not use it before that if you unlock an aspect from completing a dungeon
  • You may ONLY use the stash for storing/withdrawing items found during your run, it is preferred if you use an empty tab to make verification easier
  • You can use paragon points
  • Macros, hacks, scripts and mods are not allowed
  • You may NOT use items found from another character in the stash
  • You may NOT use Red Dust (PvP) at the Unsavory Oddities
  • You may NOT use the Allowance Cache
  • You may NOT use/participate/leech/kill the monsters from the Accursed Ritual or the Blood Maiden in Helltide.
  • You may NOT use stored Aberrant Cinders from Helltide from a prior game, if there are leftover cinders at the start of a run you may never go below that amount of Aberrant Cinders (Eg., you have 298 cinders from a prior run, you may never go below 298 cinders during that Helltide before it resets).
  • Intentional assistance is NOT allowed
New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

I've done the same on my runs (if they are ever approved by someone else). I have not heard any disagreements for tempering be set to 15 in the rules discussion in the D4 speedrunnig discord. The official rules will likely be updated soon.

New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

I was planning on making seasonal just a category in general, without numbers, and you would just see what patch series the run was on. I'll be working on that in the next couple weeks

Mattbgame aiment ceci
New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

What about the pit?

New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

Rule for now I believe will be tempering at level 15 (when the quest opens up). I think blizzard is just making it more accessible to people. They never responded to me when I asked if tempering/imprinting was intentionally made available immediately to new characters.

Mattbgame aiment ceci
New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

Keep in mind - rules are still being hammered out with the item changes. So please be patient with any review/approval.

ScoFoZo aiment ceci
New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

Season 4 is open for submission now

New York, USAViTruth9 months ago

I believe it is because there haven't been any new seasonal runs since then. Basically no one submitted any season 3 runs. We are heading into season 4 not 5 btw. Possibly more interest again now that there have been some significant changes. I think a lot of people were just burnt out.

New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

@Aamp Jymnasium added a guide on how to setup to get ready for speedrunning yesterday. It is pretty good, and actually shows how to get the setup and make it even nicer than the one I have set up. You should check it out :) I would ask him on any splits questions, but its mostly preference on how you want to do it in the middle as long as you have RTA start and finish. I think the runs will become more specific in splits to compare as they fill in more. CC: @Jymnasium

Jymnasium aiment ceci
New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

Apparently you can reroll normal rares with just veiled crystal. Which makes it even more of a reason to have a determination.

Definitely not a waste of time for the potential damage output boost on any class that uses a 2h sword at least (maybe sorc with the staff of elemental command i haven't tested the run yet). Eventually the best route will be determined as the objective best route. (like jail strats in d2) The whole run I think will come down to a gamble on the ilvl and affix roll of the unique elite boss item, and its subsequent enchantment roll.

Rerolling outside of that is a much smaller gamble as soon as you get a big drop with 3/4 good stats, and greatly benefits anyone who plays a lot of the game outside of speedruns. Someone who can fully upgrade gear at all times, reroll at least once each item for the quick gamble, and imprint at 25 every piece of gear, is going to have a massive power and survivability advantage over someone who doesn't.

I will grind out the stuff if necessary, but the fact that this stuff isn't addressed in the rules and the paragon points are when characters are sub 50 just seems odd. This is a complex game and it has a lot of different things in it that give you power between characters. I want to make sure these specific things are addressed.

New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

There needs to be a discussion on using the occultist to reroll stats (enchanting). I have not done it yet in my runs as the only characters in sorftcore I have in T3 or above were ones I did runs for... BUT this is an absurdly strong advantage for any run prior to T3.

If it were to be approved, which I am not sure I would even be in favor for, I'd suggest that the only run you can do rerolls for is the fallen temple. Again, I am hesitant on that. I am really hoping there is some patch out there that adds the SSF realm or something where you get a clean character but in the meantime we probably actually need to have a few actual sit down - round table - rules discussions.

The thing I would want to avoid the most is for both the Diablo 4 at large and the speedrunning at large communities to call this whole thing a joke. Which it could quickly become without a lot of communication, explanations, and clarity as the game itself does not make this a simple answer.

New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

That is the rough bit of RTA. I have all my settings almost bottomed out and low FX selected. I also disabled crossplay. That all seemed to help with my lag and gamecrashes, especially while recording. I hope that helps!

New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

Not gonna lie, this seems like a bad category without character creation required. IF you can just use an existing character then the bar for entering into the speedrun will become extremely difficult very quickly if/when this category becomes popular at all. BIS gear will be mandatory to even be close to competitive as soon as these runs have like 10+ runs on it.

For speedrunning of this game to take off there has to be better and clearer rules not requiring you to get extremely lucky and/or spend hundreds of hours on prepping and beefing up a character for a run prior to even starting. You already need to farm resources to do an actual proper run from fresh character. The less time we are required to sit and mindlessly farm stuff in order to prep for a run the better.

For example in Diablo 2, there isnt a "clear the dungeon" speedrun. People would do millions of mephisto runs and they time them but there isnt a load into the game and clear durance speedrun. There isn't a speedrun to clear andy, meph, diablo, and baal with a fully maxed out geared character.

jimmytheowl et Jymnasium aime ceci
New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

Do we know what the category name is going to be and are the rules going to be the same as the campaign runs?

New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

I am also working on a guide for the route. Right now its just a messy word doc. But I would like to clean it up to share so others can attempt as well.

New York, USAViTruth1 year ago

T3 capstone unlock from fresh character (necro) 4:46:28. I haven't seen anyone else time it, my last run was 7 hours. I intend to claim this as WR until someone beats it (definitely easily beaten, if I ran it again I can shave off 20 minutes immediately, probably significantly more depending on the rules).

Several additional rules also implemented during the run. Would like this as a category, and want to discuss the rules. This certainly would have passed any rules that are come up with comparing to the campaign run. (no obels use, no codex until 25, no codex unless you complete that dungeon on the fresh character) I also dont play softcore so I barely had any resources and had to salvage almost all my drops.

Also, I plan on doing this run on HC as well. Should be a separate category and I do not know why that isn't one for the campaign. I do not see why we have a category for every dungeon and not this, which is really the closest thing to speedruns for D2 so maybe I am out of touch.

Jymnasium aiment ceci
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