United StatesUndalevein3 months ago

Whoops! Welp, I'll go and fix that!

RiKyu aiment ceci
United StatesUndalevein3 months ago


Yep, the cursor does not disappear for that level. I agree with your suggestion on when timing stops, so we're going to change the rules when you click on the final cat (and the cursor turning back gray). Thanks for notifying us about it!

United StatesUndalevein5 months ago

Heyo, back from being in hiatus from the game, so sorry about the delay.

That's pretty cool that you managed to make an Auosplitter for the game, and I am a bit more motivated to get back to running the game. I am thinking of changing the leaderboards such that it can display both real-game time and real-game time without loads.

As for the Legacy/Current split for all the main board categories, I wonder if we should keep them separated or merge them since the autosplitter resolves the root issue of longer load times. We may still distinguish runs' versions by adding a variable after merging.

United StatesUndalevein10 months ago


Mod for ALTTL here. I have reviewed your video, and I noticed a major disadvantage with the Switch version of the game. So, I was wondering that since you are the first and only one to run the game on Switch, would you like your run to be in a "Switch" subcategory or have your run competing with PC of the game.

Let me know such that I can make changes for you.

  • Undalevein
United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

Hello again!

It has appeared that the discussion appears to have concluded and the general consensus is that we should have a version split between legacy and current versions of the game. As such, we are adding the Current/Legacy subcategory split for many of the in-game leaderboards. Here's what will happen:

  1. New run submissions must choose either the Current or Legacy subcategories. We'll define Current versions as any version of ALttL that is v2.1.11 or later and Legacy versions as any version that is before v2.2.11.
  2. The default page (what you'll see first if you open ALttL SRC page) will be Any% Legacy Version. This is so that the leaderboards doesn't appear to be empty if new runners open the page. If you think the default page should show the Current Version of Any%, let us know so that we'll change it.
  3. Categories that are not heavily affected by these changes (Good Tidyings, Something Eggstra, Archives 100%) will not have the subcategory splits, but instead have variables for the version differences.
  4. If any category was not affected or became faster by the version changes (such as 100% if it does) or the game changes such that the later versions are faster, we'll merge the legacy and current versions of the game. A note I want to make is that @Villion did discuss with the developers about the transition changes and they are noting that down for future changes, so if things revert back to normal, we will change the leaderboards again.

Likewise, if you have any comments or questions about these changes, feel free to make a post here!

xionkohinata et Villion aime ceci
United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

Hey everyone!

I have read the feedback in this thread, and I do appreciate the runners engaging in the conversation.

From what I gathered, the general consensus at the moment seems to be that there should be a category split between Current and Legacy Versions. This means that runs done prior to the Deep Clean update (or before version v.2.1.11), will be moved to the Legacy subcategory and new runs running this version or later will be added to the Current version.

I do also want to take in account over the differences on hardware shown from @xionkohinata's post. Because of this, I want to discuss another potential option to discuss use of autosplitter.

I do not know how to make an autosplitter nor how to manage one. It would be great to have an autosplitter so that we can account for the time differences in the current version.

But for now, I am considering adding the sub splits for current/legacy versions of the game. If I have the time, I might consider making an autosplitter for the game.

United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

Hey everyone!

I am making this announcement because A Little to the Left has been updated, called the Deep Clean Update (v. 2.1.11). While there is a lot to unpack, we unfortunately have some really bad news.

To get straight to the point: level transitions in the current patch are now about 1 second slower than before (see This may not seem much, but when accounting for all 79 puzzles in the main game, that's over 1 minute of time loss from version differences alone.

To address this issue, we are considering these two options.

  1. Retime every run by adding the time lost from transition time. The retime may take effect sometime within the next 1-2 weeks (I don’t have a lot of time in my hands unfortunately). This should not affect your placement on the leaderboards as we will add every run the same amount of time depending on the category you are running. This can allow current and new runners to compete with runs prior to the update without the 1-minute setback. 

  2. Create current/legacy subcategories. Essentially, all of the runs that were run before August 31, 2023, would be moved to the Legacy subcategory and all later runs be put on the Current subcategory. Unfortunately, since the current runs will never be as fast as the legacy versions, this does create an accessibility issue, especially for games on Steam as it is a pain to down patch games. 

Ultimately, we would like to hear input from all runners on which option is best or have any suggestions.


There are also a lot of changes and bug fixes from the update as well. Here's a list on some of the relevant ones. These aren't concerning as they have very little impact on the speedrun:

  • Reset Menu - for every puzzle solved, you won’t automatically move to the next puzzle. This does slow you down, but you can disable it in your settings. Note that if you are running 100% you will need to re-enable it during the run when you are doing alternative solutions (and it can be a little annoying)
  • Storage Boxes Broken Solve Patch - you can no longer cheese the tape solution for storage boxes. Doesn't really affect 100% heavily as it adds a couple more moves to solve the puzzle.
  • Microscope QoL changes - you can now grab the snowflakes through readjusting the zoom of the microscope.
  • Finale Skip Patch - you can actually skip the finale by performing "Let it Be" storage. Now you can't. This patch only affects me since I am the only one who is crazy enough to speedrun Any% (with puzzle skips) misc. category. That run will now be invalidated on my own accord.
  • Trophy Cabinet Patch - yes, now you won't get ruined from an invisible mistake from a stupid cup trophy not being in the "right place."


Now onto the more positive news from the latest update: there is now a new misc. category called Archives 100%! This means that you need to obtain all of the stars in the Archives pack. This category though will undergo changes if the developers add more puzzles into the game.

Also, we won’t remove the other misc. categories, Something Eggstra and Good Tidyings; nevertheless, we are changing the rules to these categories, including that you are required to do runs in Archives and must show proof that you reset your progress. Note that we won't remove the runs prior to the update.


Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns about this announcement. As stated above, the level transitions from the update are now a problem for ALTTL speedruns, so it is important to respond to this thread on this issue.

TFGA_tFoMS et Villion aime ceci
United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

Hello, If you came onto this leaderboards and noticed that there are Lingo Custom Maps, well, this is the place. You can download the maps via this link which takes you to the official website. Follow the instructions to download custom maps into your folder.

These will not include The Library and Level 2, as they can only be unlocked in Level 1.

Link to the official Lingo website:

United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

Nice PB!

riley519 aiment ceci
United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

Congrats! That was a banger run!

riley519 aiment ceci
fil: Lingo
United StatesUndalevein1 year ago

If you have a lot of save files and it's slowing down your game, you can remove save files from the game by turning off Steam Cloud. Then you can go to your Settings in the menu and click on View Game Data. Open the file (their names are based on the name of the level; i.e. "level1" , "the_library") and remove the .sav files.

Another alternatively, you can access from your user account directory and add the following line to the address search bar:


You can then remove these files from the respective folder.

À propos de Undalevein
Just a causal runner who likes chaos through glitch-hunting and doing them in runs.
2 years ago
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A Little to the Left
A Little to the Left
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Escape Simulator
Escape Simulator
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The Witness Category Extensions
The Witness Category Extensions
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Lingo Custom Maps
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Can of Wormholes
Can of Wormholes
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A Little to the Left
A Little to the Left
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