fil: Demolition Racer
- Currently allowed emulators are:
- Mednafen (Ran to correct specifications)
- Duckstation with the following rules:
- Console Settings:
- CPU Clock Speed Control Disabled.
- Read Speedup: None (Double Speed)
- Use Read Thread (Asynchronous)
- Unchecked Emulation Settings:
- Runahead: Disabled Emulation
- Speed: 100% [60 FPS (NTSC) / 50FPS (PAL)]
- Display Settings:
- Show OSD Messages Checked (if a savestate is used, we'll know)
- VSync Unchecked Enhancement Settings:
- Force NTSC Timings (60hz-on-PAL) Unchecked (PAL speed should be PAL speed and not adjusted by the emulator
- (These rules are taken from the Colin McRae Rally emulator rules)
Since the time you posted the emulator rules the Tekken series, which you have previously copied your rules from, has adjusted their rules and allowed Duckstation. It is a great emulator.
Tekken rules:
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