North Carolina, USAThePC19973 years ago

In one version of the game (with the curved text on the sidebar), you receive 100,000 points for accepting a mission, whereas in the other version (original Space Cadet design) you only get 10,000. This seems like a pretty extreme difference and I don't necessarily agree that both versions should be compared on the same leaderboards. Thoughts? (For evidence of this see Vodzilla's current 1,000,000 point 1st place run - and jackasplat's current 1,000,000point 3rd place run - )

Pinballwiz45b aiment ceci
North Carolina, USAThePC19974 years ago

Thanks for the response. It seems this is the only way to get a very low time launch training mission.

North Carolina, USAThePC19974 years ago

Is anyone able to explain why the launch ramp can occasionally glitch during launch training and count one launch as several? You can see this in many of the high profile "1 mission completed" runs, and I just achieved it in my "1 mission completed" run to get 00:00:18.066 (Launch counter goes form 3 left to 1 left, completely skipping 2) and I've seen others in the past have one launch (accepting the mission) somehow counting as all three. Programming wise, why does this happen and is it consistently achievable?

North Carolina, USAThePC19975 years ago

For speedrunning old games that exist on free websites, how is this uniformly controlled? For example, it would be really difficult to capture the screen for Super Mario Land on the GBA due to it being such a small screen...can it be played on any of those "retro gaming" websites (e.g. and captured on the PC for submission?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm a little new to this :)

North Carolina, USAThePC19976 years ago

I would prefer this be implemented as well. I don't mind having to do some calculations if it meant that all runners were on the same playing field. I run GCN (non-emulator), and while it's nice that you can filter the leaderboard for certain platforms so I can see how I stack up against other GCN (non-emulator) players, it would be great to have everyone on the same timer. (I never knew that the PC loads were significantly faster, thanks Sm4sh for pointing this out!)

À propos de ThePC1997
6 years ago
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3D Pinball for Windows: Space Cadet
3D Pinball for Windows: Space Cadet
Dernière run 4 years ago
Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders
Dernière run 6 years ago
Bookworm (GBA)
Bookworm (GBA)
Dernière run 8 months ago
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3D Pinball for Windows: Space Cadet
3D Pinball for Windows: Space Cadet
Dernière visite 8 months ago
Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders
Dernière visite 4 years ago
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Dernière visite 4 years ago