CanadaTheMmKnight127 months ago

@Joclem, my best guess would be cheat codes

@EmilyTheKoopa o shit 127, thats pretty nice, the luigi run seems like fun, i wonder what the star count would be, its gotta be less than wario's tho. and thanks for letting me know about the meme category thing.

CanadaTheMmKnight127 months ago

Im just curious as to why this isnt a thing already, for example, being able to start off as wario but not being allowed to change characters. To be truthful, i dont have any plans to speedrun this game, im curious as to what a run would look like, without having to use the other characters, maybe and/or maybe not being allowed to use caps during the run.

tbh, this game is too expansive to not have more meme categories to play around with.

CanadaTheMmKnight124 years ago

What about bizhawk, is that legal?

KilleDragon aiment ceci
À propos de TheMmKnight12
9 years ago
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X-Men (1992)
Dernière run 4 years ago