Missouri, USATheFroggyLord8 years ago

It's retarded.

Please just ban those items or something.

Missouri, USATheFroggyLord8 years ago

Who else is extremely hyped for Rise of Iron? I know I am. :) Will the new missions be added to the speedrunning page?

xJackieBx aiment ceci
Missouri, USATheFroggyLord8 years ago

This is the easiest way to record Bloons Tower Defense 5 gameplay on ios devices (ios9+).

  1. Download Airshou from this link: http://cherryroad.xyz/airshou

  2. Go to general settings, right below VPN you need to trust the developer of airshou.

  3. Go to the Control Center in settings and allow "access within apps.

If you are still confused, use this video (not by me) for help. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=36m6fF9dri0

Oogle aiment ceci
Missouri, USATheFroggyLord8 years ago

Could you add a Mastery Mode leaderboard to the page? It would be pretty fun and intense, (without the stuff I talked about in the other post) and would be a fun challenge to speedrun.

Missouri, USATheFroggyLord8 years ago

I am just wondering why runs where people buy a ton of money at the beginning of the game are allowed. I know it doesn't break any rules, but it causes the best strategy for beating every map to be "Buy 10-20k with monkey money before you start and get an op super monkey." These runs being allowed causes there to be no reason to make a strategy to beat a certain map quickly.

À propos de TheFroggyLord
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Bloons Tower Defense 5
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