performance: Hitman 3
United StatesSolderq359 months ago


United StatesSolderq351 year ago

No because this kind of challenge is up to personal interpretation of what "pacifist" really means and does not work well as a speed-based challenge. You'd have to come up with a cohesive ruleset for this which seems like a nightmare.

Depending on what you classify as "pacifist", if something like just "walking into an accident trap" can be considered pacifist (as you used smoking > propane) this isn't too hard to setup, e.g. as seen here.

Some examples of what may or may not be pacifist to you building on what PixelPup said:

You are welcome to join us on Discord to share more challenge runs although we will not be adding this as a category.

PixelPupSR aiment ceci
United StatesSolderq351 year ago

Response copy pasted from when I answer on Discord:

The pirated version is not allowed unless you can find the way to make the pirated version show the accurate rating screen (in which case we can't really tell).

Getting the pirated version to show the legit rating screen may or may not be possible but I shan’t be explaining here nor in DM for legal reasons.

Buy legally or on g2a idk, wait for sale.

Save your money for something better if it’s that expensive.

United StatesSolderq351 year ago

With all due respect all of your pending runs I see are within the last day I see, while by site rules the runs may take 3 weeks to verify. We have lives too.

iamrdil aiment ceci
United StatesSolderq351 year ago

Only final level, due to reasons listed above.

performance: Hitman 3
United StatesSolderq351 year ago


The elevator should be opened from the mission story opportunity. Tutorial:

Otherwise, we do have a category where you start from skydiver start, default loadout, and elevator is closed:

United StatesSolderq351 year ago

Sorry for late reply, you may have better luck asking in one of the discords in the future.

The world record strat for Patient Zero SA/SO is pretty difficult, but it's hard to suggest anything without footage of your own gameplay to compare.

I would suggest starting out with the 42 second strat first:

The 34s strat does mostly the same thing, but it uses a more difficult entrance into the building, as well as more precise kills on both targets.

Scruffyy aiment ceci
United StatesSolderq351 year ago

Sorry to break it to you, but this category done properly will be very fast and competitive. For example, the current Dubai SA/SO WR would qualify for your suggestion, and it would be 10 seconds.

Paris from tech worker start could be like under 30 seconds (use fireworks, headshot both targets).

Marrakesh would stay the same with the existing 18 seconds strategy (snipe both targets, no KO's).

I could go on and on; your idea is neither as unique nor as creative as you seem to think.

A proper survey of the category would mean scouring the existing runs in both main leaderboards and category extensions for applicable runs, not just hopping into the game for a quick "world record" (that isn't, because you didn't do proper research and have incorrect expectations for how easy it should be to claim first place in what you're proposing).

Techqa, Fusha et 2 autres aime ceci
United StatesSolderq351 year ago

With all due respect, we won't be adding such a category. We already have a good amount of categories players enjoy over at, and what you are suggesting is similar enough to existing categories there.

The Fiberwire / Explosives Only / Loud Ballistic / Sniper (Ballistic) categories all require the target's body not be found by default.

Now you can argue that using Kalmer dart guns to produce "accident knock outs" on nontargets would void the "no bodies found" idea, even if the target bodies aren't found.

Which is fair enough. All the same, this category is similar enough to existing ones we won't be adding it.

By coincidence though, I actually do know of a full game run off the top of my head that satisfies your criteria:

This was a trilogy full game run done earlier this year with the conditions of silent assassin, suit only, fiberwire only, no KO's, no emetics used. By virtue of the fact that only fiberwire kills were allowed, and that it had to be silent assassin, and no KO's were allowed, it is by definition not allowed for bodies to be found in this run. (Which includes accidents and Kalmer not being allowed).

That run has slight patch changes making it not 100% compatible with current patch, but it's similar enough to give you some solid ideas, should you attempt this run yourself as a personal challenge.

We have additional information about patch changes as well here, for reference:

Techqa, iamrdil, et PapaLevy aime ceci
United StatesSolderq352 years ago

^ What MistahBread said. Watch:

United StatesSolderq352 years ago

IMPORTANT RULES UPDATE: If you are playing Hitman 3 on latest game update, make sure to press P(PC), X(Xbox), or Square(PlayStation) on the rating screen to show the Detailed Score, in case your rating screen bugs out and shows "00:00:00" on the rating screen.

(Original Text) Switched all runs to IGT only to reflect that every other Hitman 3 leaderboard is in IGT, and because most new runners don't know how to use RTA timing.

Please read run rules carefully for any edge cases caused by poor cutscene skipping, lack of rating screen, old patch, etc.

United StatesSolderq352 years ago

I'll think about it then, will take a good luck at existing runs on Youtube. "Taiwan Hitman - long -" on Youtube has a good amount of (good) runs on each level on the escalations he has played, so it's a possibility.

I just don't want the leaderboard flooded with too many categories that no one plays. But a good amount of people play the Any% categories of Hitman Escalations (which people didn't use to play much on Youtube), so maybe I can be proven wrong.

I'll consider making poll in the future that will be posted on these forums and/or Hitman Runs Discord (It's below the "Follow" button on the leaderboard if you're not in it yet).

United StatesSolderq352 years ago

I am not interested in adding escalation categories such as non-final levels or all levels together for the forseeable future. There just isn't enough players playing to make it meaningful competition to add such a category now.

SmartCasual aiment ceci
performance: Hitman 3 VR
United StatesSolderq352 years ago
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performance: Hitman 3 VR
United StatesSolderq352 years ago
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United StatesSolderq352 years ago

Maybe this is a "me" problem, but I now see two games on my front page that I follow, and a total of 5 runs from games I follow out of like 25 runs.

Also, the games I follow are now buried about halfway into the front page.

Run ordering aside, the number of followed games shown makes zero sense considering I have set my front page settings to show at least 10 runs from followed games. There have been a lot more than 5 recent runs in the games I follow.

Screenshots of my front page and front page settings:

The last two pictures in the album (taken from the Hitman Series Page) show that there are a lot more than 5 recent runs in the games I follow here in the list (Hitman 3 Category Extensions and Hitman 3 Elusive Targets).

This is a recent issue, only two days ago or so I was seeing only runs from games I followed, or at most a few runs from games I didn't follow at the bottom of the list.

I can't stress enough how little sense the new front page looks. Thanks.

Caarda aiment ceci
United StatesSolderq352 years ago

Thanks for letting us know. It might take awhile to deal with this issue, as there are many VR runs that used this technique.

iamrdil aiment ceci
À propos de Solderq35
HITMAN goon. Discord (solderq35) is the preferred method to contact me directly.
4 years ago
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Hitman 3 Elusive Targets [Peacock]
Hitman 3 Elusive Targets [Peacock]
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