United StatesSir_Farcelot4 hours ago

There’s a lot to respond to here, and I’m not going to cover much of it, honestly. For the sake of my mental health, I think I need to stop interacting with the community for a while, at the very least. To put it nicely, my life is not going great right now, not just in Appel.

I’ll just leave this here: I usually play on Google Chrome with an html file (sometimes Turbowarp) on macOS.

Lastly, could one of y’all please reply to my questions and suggestion in my previous response? Not sure if those were purposely ignored, but I would appreciate a response to you that.

United StatesSir_Farcelot1 day ago

Have you realized the similarities between @DapperScratcher's and I's UI on our computers? I'm pretty sure we have the same model of computer that runs on the same OS, which may be causing the problem.

I have a suggestion: I can record a video of myself packaging Appel, playing a level, and then using your tool to show that even in regular Appel, my replay code will still show inputs after the ending flag? This is similar to what Michael did to prove he was not cheating; his Appel was just "different," than most other's, apparently.

Also, I just want to clarify, you mean @DapperScratcher's 27.0 L2 run, right? I'm not sure what you mean by "only run" since she also has some runs in Absurd Appel and Appel Awakening.

Lastly, I'm not accusing you of purposely falsely accusing me, but could you show me how your tool works? I'm interested in using it to test some runs as well.

P.S: Please stop using the "repetitive movements" argument because unless you give everyone the same treatment, (Michael doing the same thing...) I don't see how that's fair.

PolarYt323 aiment ceci
performance: Appel (Scratch)
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 day ago

Oof, sorry... yeah, that one is honestly insane. Out of all the levels, L2 has always been my favorite and my best, so I'm not too surprised :)

Still, all of your runs are insane!

performance: Appel (Scratch)
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 day ago

Nice! All of my WRs will be beaten by you at this rate...

Krackerz aiment ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot11 months ago

I'm... sorry, everyone.

United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Yes, I understand. It's fine, I still had fun with this :)

MichaelChan aiment ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Honestly... as @Swskrei has already said, there's no point in creating an entirely new speedrunning page.

Once a "super-moderator" comes back, more people can become mods, and it'll be fine :)

Luis_sm et Swskrei aime ceci
performance: Appel (Scratch)
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Well, Level 2 could much more easily be improved with the "Drahnoel Climb" in the ending, which would save much more time.

Level 4 is decently probable; @MichaelChan managed to do it in his run and it's not difficult with a bit of practice.

You must wait on the platform on Level 7, since the cycles would be all messed up if you didn't. There's no point in doing what @MichaelChan did in his run.

The "spike death" on Level 8 technically lost time to the TAS. However, it's extremely difficult to get this in a fullgame% run, especially when your vision is obscured by the fading wipe menu. There are many easier ways to improve this run.

As for Level 9, it's cycles again. There's no point in attempting for maximum efficiency; even the TAS cannot make the cycle without waiting. The only way to save time on that level is the ending. The goal there is to jump through the crushers with as little waiting as possible, and that's exactly what @DapperScratcher did.

taliix, DapperScratcher et 2 autres aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

True, we should wait until this becomes a bigger topic. Do you know any ways to contact them other than

Ah, that is quite unfortunate. @sushisrx wanted to give his modship to @swskrei... I suppose when he or @Chiken_11 comes back, we can ask them to add more mods who are more active.

Luis_sm aiment ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Agreed. Honestly, I always thought it was unfair if someone has a worse computer or a worse mouse, they have an inherent disadvantage. Load times aren't a measure of skill.

@Luis_sm, maybe we should have some sort of community vote, or at the very least, some sort of vote between the mods to decide if we should put the new timing system into place. You say you "don't know if everyone would agree." Well, this is an easy solution to that.

Luis_sm aiment ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Well, @DapperScratcher's run has perfect load times, so there's nothing to worry about there. I'm not sure if she used an autoclicker, we can ask her later, I suppose.

And... livesplits really isn't the worry here, since neither run is timed using that. The mods use to make sure there's no discrepancy between the timers. The only problem is that there still seems an issue with the timing, somehow :(

Well, with the splits alone, @DapperScratcher's time is certainly faster; there's no question about that.

CAKEC0DER et Luis_sm aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Hmm... interesting. Not sure exactly what that means, but it's certainly something to keep in mind.

CAKEC0DER et Luis_sm aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

So... if you've been keeping up with Appel speedrunning, you'll certainly have seen @DapperScratcher's 3'51"533"' run. It's an insane run that rivals even @MichaelChan's in skill!

However, after a bit of digging, a few people, myself included, have realized that the timing is a bit off with it, at least compared to @MichaelChan's run.

First, I'll give what any good argument requires - hard facts. Let's take a look at the splits of the two runs, not counting load times.

@MichaelChan - 18.9 + 27.2 + 13.8 + 25.3 + 15.4 + 31.7 + 36.6 + 35.4 + 15.4 = 219.7 seconds.

@DapperScratcher - 18.9 + 27.5 + 13.8 + 25.3 + 15.5 + 31.4 + 36.9 + 34.9 + 15.3 = 219.5 seconds.

Notice something off here? On the leaderboards, @DapperScratcher's run is an entire 1.366 seconds slower than @MichaelChan's run, even though her splits are clearly 0.2 seconds faster.

If her time was only slightly slower than @MichaelChan's, this could be attributed to slight lag, and I wouldn't push the issue any further. However, this is a way too much for me to just let it slide.

Honestly, I'm not here to point fingers at anyone. @MichaelChan's cheating scandal was already resolved long ago, and I'm not looking to open up that rabbit hole again. All I know is that @DapperScratcher deserves**** to be at the top of the leaderboard.

Therefore, I propose a new timing system. One that will remove the disadvantages of lag and make sure that every run is timed fairly, based on their splits and nothing else.

Instead of timing the runs with or any other website, we could simply add up each speedrunner's splits as well as their load times. Courtesy of @MichaelChan's own video,* we know that each load time is 1.62 seconds. If we multiply that by eight to get 12.96 seconds, and add that to the splits of the two top speedrunners...

@MichaelChan - 219.7 + 12.96 = 232.66 seconds.

@DapperScratcher - 219.5 + 12.96 = 232.46 seconds.

Now, let's convert that to minutes using simple math.

@MichaelChan - 3'52"66"'

@DapperScratcher - 3'52"46"'

So, there you have it. Yes, this means everyone's runs will be slowed down. However, keep in mind everyone means everyone, so everything will still remain equal between the speedrunners, while being much more fair, especially to speedruners like @Swskrei, who has a huge disadvantage because of lag.**

Mods, tell me what you think! If you don't have the time to retime everything, I'd be happy to.

*@MichaelChan's video, if anyone was wondering:

**Speaking of, @Swskrei, could you put up your run using something other than clipchamp? It seems the link for it has expired.

PolarYt323, Luis_sm, et Swskrei aime ceci
performance: Appel (Scratch)
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Yo, amazing run! I know you've probably heard this a bunch of times already, but it's insane. Other than Level 2 (and maybe Level 4) this is basically the best run a human can be expected to achieve. The grind paid off :)

Oh, and also, I agree that this run definitely should be faster, considering @MichaelChan's time. If we add up the splits, @DapperScratcher should actually be slightly ahead, but somehow she's over a second behind. With @Swskrei's run we could attribute the timeloss to lag, but this run seems to have little to none, so it can't be that. Something suspicious is definitely going on here. Whether it's @DapperScratcher's run or @MichaelChan's, I can't be sure. I do have my own private suspicions, though...

taliix, DapperScratcher et 3 autres aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

I mean.... technically, there's no perfect rule to differentiate humans from TASes. However, TASes generally have different movement from a human. Plus, if the run is too insane, like if you managed to tie the Level 5 TAS or get extremely close to it, then it would probably be rejected, since it's far beyond human capabilities. Like @Swskrei said, there's nothing to worry about. You already have a good reputation in the Appel community, and we all trust you :)

aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Honestly, it's really unfair to reject runs because they're too good. When you put enough hours into a level, you'll start looking like a TAS, whether you like it or not. So... don't worry about it being rejected. As long as your movement isn't too weird, you'll be fine :)

et Swskrei aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

I see no reason not to do allow this. It's still the same game, just with different controls, which I honestly think should be a feature of the game in the first place.

United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Great idea! With how impressive it is, I'm sure @MichaelChan would much prefer his run to still be valid. Speedrunning and clearing Key to Success are basically two entirely different levels, and it's much fairer to everyone if we kept them in separate categories.

CAKEC0DER, Krackerz, et Swskrei aime ceci
United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

Thanks! It certainly has been a long while since we've been tied... now that I've quit, though, I'm sure you'll catch up quickly!

United StatesSir_Farcelot1 year ago

I'm so glad this is will finally get verified! I've wanted it on the leaderboards for so long, and it's great to see you get what you deserve.

CAKEC0DER, Swskrei, et Krackerz aime ceci
À propos de Sir_Farcelot
I'm a big fan of Appel and love to speedrun the game! Hope you enjoy watching my runs.
1 year ago
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Absurd Appel - Scratch
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