I moderate the PS3 version of Hamsterball and wanted to confirm the name change inakilbss is requesting.
Yeah it is, sometimes even recommended if you do not have an HD capture card
Yeah it should be added, i passed along the request to one of the leaderboard mods
Hey welcome to the community! Im not sure how often people check the forums and i only do blinx 2 so its best if you join the discord server and ask questions there, im sure someone will respond https://discordapp.com/invite/gRZyzqm
Ok, what software should be used to limit the frames? I would like to put it in the resources page for the BBT.
So, I'm going to add insane categories under misc categories and put V-Sync on as a rule. I would add new game as a rule but that would terminate almost all of the runs which wouldn't really be worth it and it would be annoying to set up a new file.
I probably should have said this earlier, but if you do delete your BBT save, it doesn't delete your heads, weapons or gems. So what I've kinda been thinking a new file as in just deleting the file and not taking away the weapons.
Yea, we can discuss this on Skype if you want. My name for Skype is the same for this.
I agree with what you're saying. I do think he is playing with V-sync off. For his Co-op any% run also, someone told me that they believed that he was playing with V-Sync off. I compared for when he gets to hatty with Horlamin's run and its easy to see that he's playing with V-sync off. But since V-sync being on is not a rule, i can not deny the run. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by how clear it would be problematic it would be to the legitimacy of each run. Do you mean it would be problematic to put V-sync on as rule and verify every run?
I do get why runs shouldn't be started from a new file but why is it illogical that starting from a file with the weapons? if you start from a completed file with no weapons (other than the default ones), you wouldn't get any gems because you've already completed the levels. Because you don't obtain gems, you can't get new items. If you were to get gems, it would be random which items you would get and that could kill your run.
That is true but I get a lot of people saying that it should be on and a bad run w/o vsync can be faster than a good run with vsync. The SDA forum for BBT even argued about it and came to conclusion of making it a rule to be on.
So I never noticed the chat in the NLS Categories forum. I looked at it just now and liked the idea of putting it to a vote. The subjects I saw on the forum was adding a Insane difficulty, Where to start the timing and one subject brought up to me a lot was VSync and that it should be a rule for it to be on. So for theses issues, Crankeey suggested to put to a vote so I made a few strawpolls and would like for you to put your opinion in.
Should we add an Insane difficulty to the categories? If so, should they be added to misc categories? http://strawpoll.me/5744306
Should it be a rule to start runs from a new file? http://strawpoll.me/5744319
Should it be a rule to have VSync on? http://strawpoll.me/5744323
I feel like there should be a deadline on when the votes go into effect but at the moment, I don't know when it'll be.
Thanks, Shady
Edit: I will be closing the polls at the end of the month and will be adding the new rules into play.
Hello, Sorry I didn't get back to you till now. I did not notice this thread in the forum. I added the co-op categories to the chapter runs.
I want to say yes if you upload the splits to splits.io and submit it with the run but not sure tbh.
Sorry for taking a while to respond.
About the data and start of the run, it would be good for us to do that but I'm sure it would get tedious to keep doing that if we were to reset or finish runs. We could open a poll and vote on it as a community.
About the Chapter 1 runs, I feel as if it wouldn't be right to add it as a category because it's very short and it would probably be better if it was just considered an Individual Level category. I will add it as a Individual Level if wanted.
So I went to actually do a run of 100% (even though i didn't route 7 and 8) but wasn't able to finish. I think the a run might be around 3:30 but I'm not really sure.