Ohio, USARookie6 years ago

I doubt I'll play this category again since I can't easily record it but I feel like there should definitely be separate categories for glitch and no glitch. It makes no sense to have them together, it completely changes the run. That's all

ControlPro et Omar aime ceci
Ohio, USARookie6 years ago

Well, 64 Sunshine and both Galaxies can all be done on the Wii.

Also, MKDD cant be done on the Wii U. So we'd have to choose between Wii / Wii U which we shouldnt do imo. Would just be a messy category really.

Ohio, USARookie6 years ago

Unfortunately, recording this sounds like it would be complete hell. Up until Odyssey, I know it was possible to play every 3D Mario on the Wii in one way or another. For MK it's much more difficult, especially when it comes to handhelds.

Right now I have no way to record MKSC, MKDD, MKDS, & MK7. I could buy SC & DS on Wii U. Unfortunately I'd be worse on that platform and my current Wii doesn't have backwards compatability, so I can only play MKDD if I used Dolphin now since my cube is past its days. SMK / 64 are on my wii u's wii menu, so essentially I'd probably waste a lot of time menuing also without particular pause splits during games, but that'd be hard because then people could just try getting their PBs from each game and adding them together which wouldn't be fair. Then MK7's a whole different beast, because I'd have to get a separate 3DS cap card which right now is a waste of money unfortunately.

If this happened, a detailed ruleset would be needed I think

Ohio, USARookie6 years ago

For sure. It shouldn't be the same category to begin with, they're completely different runs

Ohio, USARookie8 years ago

I feel like we need to do more testing on this, and perhaps try to develop some kind of digital - physical conversion chart like PAL vs NTSC. The only problem is potential inconsistencies.

Ohio, USARookie8 years ago

Maybe some day I'll record cup runs if it helps prove legitimacy. I have a webcam, it's just an extremely awkward angle which makes it hard to play. Definitely couldn't do it for an hour.

Ohio, USARookie8 years ago

Comparing MK7 to a Pokemon game is absolutely ludicrous. Don't play the "don't be stupid card" if you're going to make a point that isn't smart itself.

Pokemon is actually a very large and popular game for speedrunning. Of course people want you to have videos for that; it's actually competitive. A time of 27th in that game is more impressive than first place in this game. What's also different about Pokemon is that running the game is literally all there is to the category. You could be the best pokemon battler / player in the world and it wouldn't mean anything in regard to speedrunning because it's completely different. In Mario Kart, speed is the name of the game. There are actually other ways to show off your skill than simply streaming your time. You can play competitively online, in clan wars, or even simply TT. I'm not trying to be arrogant. But I'm not a random player at all. I played MK7 competitively at a really high level just like Gogoku (whose run is now on the leaderboards and thank god I can actually submit my time now because of it), upload many TTs over the years that if anything will show that my time is definitely suitable for someone of my TT level (considering Gogoku and I were TT rivals at one point, though he was slightly better) and on top of that I've played and streamed runs now for both MKW & MK8 because an elgato actually isn't a waste of money and I can actually use it for other stuff too). I really don't see how people wouldn't trust a global moderator of the main competitive Mario Kart website, and also a helper of the TT community at also when I've posted literally tons of evidence that I'm already a skilled player myself. Again, I would be COMPLETELY fine with not being accepted even with all of my credibility considered without a video if this were a game like Red & Blue. It isn't though. This category is not competitive at all, it's underplayed (even for a MK game standard it's underplayed), I only do it cuz it's Mario Kart, and I could crank out a time within a minute of Gogoku's on my first try if I wanted to again, but there'd be no point because if I beat his time I wouldn't be accepted again.

Regardless this is the end of my ramblings. My time should be accepted now anyway since a better one was finally posted, so I have no complaining left to do anymore. I won't go for any improvements simply because I don't want to deal with my time being deleted anymore if I do happen to beat the top time right now. Just know that this game and community are completely different than what standards you're expecting of it. This isn't a popular speedrunning game, it's not Red/Blue, and if you're going to require players to use video captures for a 5 year old nearly dead game on a handheld you'll only be triggering the nail in the coffin and killing it completely.

Ohio, USARookie8 years ago

It's not minimalistic when you're asking someone to access a $200 Cap Card to record over an hour of gameplay, on a game that isn't even a heavily played category. That's not even close.

Again, there isn't even a majority here who desires this proof policy whatsoever. It was literally jtmagicman making this thread, getting one like, and the rest of us seemingly disagreeing. I don't even think the guy actually takes MK games somewhat seriously at all. No offense, but he shouldn't be dictating what happens on here. His speedrun doesn't use a combo that's even close to being optimal for a speedrun. It'd be like me doing a Gen 1 Pokemon run and using a Caterpie over Nidoking and questioning the players ahead.

Also, the legitimacy of our leaderboards is only decreasing when you deny legitimate times. If anything, we should be encouraging more players to submit runs for this category. Forcing people to record their records though is never going to make this a reasonable thing to happen though. I understand having a record requirement for MK8, where the game has taken off on here and has had much more competition. More people have streaming equipment for that game also, including myself. I really don't see how it's that hard to allow my time to be on the leaderboards when it's honestly pretty obvious that it's a legitimate time.

On a side note, why would anyone submit a time when they can just edit it? It looks weird to have yourself on the leaderboards twice. It's an absolute paradox to delete times only if updated but leave them alone if not. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Honestly host a poll. And make sure it's known what both arguments are. If the majority after a week legitimately want to force us to record hour long runs for a dead game with no competition, I'll shut up about it, but still be disappointed of course. And also, every run with no proof ahead of the first time with proof shouldn't be counted or they all should be. If you're going to delete my time because I updated it with no proof, you should've deleted it before I even updated because the policy makes no sense.

Ohio, USARookie8 years ago

Is there any reason why my posts was ignored by the staff? Regardless of everything, the policy makes no sense whatsoever. You're allowing the top 3 people to keep their times when they haven't uploaded proof for it either, but didn't keep my old time that was on the leaderboard just because I improved it. The worst part of it all is that you guys are treating me like I'm guilty of cheating. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Granolant aiment ceci
Ohio, USARookie8 years ago

It's actually ridiculous that you guys act as if we can't put effort into recording, when it's simply not a feasible solution to get a 3DS cap card. Would you want to buy a capture card more expensive than 3DS itself just to submit a MK7 run?

I improved my "WR" (its not actually a WR, it's the best time submitted here) and as a result I got my time taken off the list because of this new policy, and it's ridiculous. Webcams are incredibly bad, but they're even worse when it comes to recording 3DS footage. The angle is so ridiculously bad that it makes playing not only painful, but it makes the game heavily more difficult than it already is. I wouldn't be able to beat my times unless I got incredible RNG playing at the angle. I tried uploading a sample TC through it also, but webcams are just terrible and it only recorded 30 seconds in the end in god awful quality.

I am not capable of uploading an entire hour and a half video just to prove a record on here. It's pretty insulting that I'm even being questioned when I have done plenty in the past for this game to prove myself. The only differences is when recording Time Trial replays, you record replays, not live gameplay. You can use stuff other than webcams for better quality too. Here are some of my TT PRs:

If you guys just want to know what to do, I could honestly give some guidelines. For example, the most important parts of the run are generally the first race of each cup, because you get the opportunity to get a powerful item at the beginning without having to slow down. On TC, I reset until I get triple shrooms on the first box. It's frequently difficult because of CPU patterns, but it's the first track so I don't mind resetting

  • On Wuhu Loop, from what I've found the left item box is nearly almost always open and can get you a star, golden, or triple shrooms on occasion.

  • PPS is a bit difficult to get a box so it's probably best to just get into first immediately.

  • DKJ you can usually nab the outside box on turn 2 in 6th or something to get some shrooms

  • rLR you should go for a box in 6th, then take the outer ring for some of the early coins.

  • rKB you can generally get a box in 6th or so by taking the left route and seeing what will be open. If you don't get shrooms, focusing on coins and hopping high enough will usually get you to the no item sc lap 1.

  • rKD is tricky, as sometimes you'll have watch the train and likely take the offroad path.

  • rKC is pretty easy to get a low spot box, but the CPUs are really annoying here so you'll have to be careful not to hit them.

Some other things to note:

  • You need to master dodging blue shells
  • Always go for the star box on rDKP, even if you get shrooms in the end
  • Try to get green shells on rKC, because you can shell the first goomba for a free sc when the mushroom drops out
  • Coins to take in races are different than in TT, since coins respawn in races. A good example is on rCM, in TT it's fastest to take a coin at the fountain after the first turn but it's not the preferred option here since you can get the coins in the sets of 3s on the U-turns. On BC, you'll never have to take the barrel path either, since you can take the upper path again for 3 coins.
  • Optimal combo is for sure Metal Mario, B Dasher, Red Monster, and a non heavy glider (preferably Paraglider or Swooper)
  • Sandbagging on Maka Wuhu for shrooms first set is generally worth it, since the cut saves a lot of time.
  • Very situational, but on SGB or DKJ if a blue is coming you can gamble and throw a green shell at a barrel / the barrel mover things on SGB and occasionally pull a star. Very risky.
  • On rMT, go for the offroad at the beginning of lap 1. You'll usually end up with shrooms or a star in first at the expense of nearly nothing, so it's always worth it. I would avoid leaf piles outside of the 2 that are used in the wr run for coins, since they like to give you shells and bananas sometimes.

It's important to remember how useful coins are as well. You can chain backspam items in first because you can get single shrooms in first also for dodging blue shells.

Part of the reason my time is not being accepted though is because no players who are better than me are using this site either. I think the best time of the web right now is by Gogoku:

My recently submitted time is 1 second faster, but he didn't use our rules correctly which means his is actually faster. He started the timer when the game loaded. This alone should give you all an idea of how to drive each track in this game though, and it's faster than mine. Additionally I know a few German players from the team WEC have even beaten this by a minute or so, they just don't care to submit it. My time is really not good from my eyes. Unless encountering some really bad luck I believe I could sub an hour and 23 minutes on pretty much every attempt I make, and it's because I've just played this game for years, on TT, competitive matches, world cups, you name it. I would get the recording thing more on a game like MK8, where the times near the top are relatively close because many top players have submitted times for it, but in this game there simply isn't much competition at the top player level. I have a game capture device for my consoles. I've submitted a MK8 time, and honestly that time is better than the MK7 one I sent that was rejected. MK8 just has better competition. The reason why I have a capture card for that game though is 1) I got it off an old friend for free since he got a better cap card, and 2) I would've bought one regardless, but not because of MK8 speedruns. It's because I can use it for much more stuff, like team battles, TTs, Free For All tournaments, bracket tournaments, even other games like Smash Bros, you name it. If I got a 3DS capture card, it would be for just this. It's just not worth it.

I think I'm pretty mediocre as one of the better players in this game. If a player like Nicola or Weisse or Diogo ever tried this, they would certainly destroy my time. I really just don't think my times shouldn't be accepted just because we have a lack of top player presence on this site. I want to participate here, and I haven't ever lied about my runs before. Essentially, it feels like criminal treatment to the innocent here. I guarantee you I am not claiming anything spectacular. I am claiming a personal best that just happens to be the top ranked time here. We really need to rework the rules for this game in particular, because all these rules are going to do is push players away from wanting to play this category, and make it seemingly weak forever. This site will essentially say the WR is up for grabs to any above average player who goes out and pays money to record 3DS footage.

Also what Rhode pointed out isn't just cherry picking. It's legitimately reasonable also. I get the want for there to be videos, but it's completely obvious if someone is legit. I have no reason to cheat at anything. There's a lot more to lose than a lot more to gain by it. Oh, and my time isn't even a World Record. Also, it makes no sense to even keep any PRs without videos anyway at this point if you're just going to delete them every time someone submits something but leave them up if they don't...

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