Oh now I know I was too far left when I tried it! But thank you for the comment :)
I saw some top speedrunners who played 'Luigi only' and their Luigi didn't drop a key when he charged and jumped higher. To be honest, I don't know the problem of my play... Could anybody help me not to drop a key? :O
Okay thanks for the comment LUL
Christmas is coming so...If I play All Levels on my smb2 Christmas edition ROM, can it be verified? Difference between Christmas Edition and original is just Christmas skin of character. So IMO, It can be verified. Mods what do you think about it :)
10 Walljumps(Mario)
10 Walljumps(Luigi)
Must be actual walljumps. Jumping inside a wall and hitting the block directly above you does not count as a walljump. Cramming yourself between a wall and the edge of the screen and jumping from there also does not count as a walljump.
Gosh that was so hard lol but it will be good way in All-Stars Any%. Most people except Kosmic usually use powerups to beat the game :)
Ah I misunderstood the question. What I understood is when playing *8-4 Any%. I didn't know that category exists. Sorry :)
I think it would be possible. See Darbian's All-Stars The lost levels 'A-D Warpless'. he got Warpless 8-4 PB while playing Warpless to 'World A-D'. :)
Upload Complete B)
Oh I want to share my ANNSMB ROM, but when I download first time, it had many virus.. now it was completely removed in my PC..so is there no virus in the file?
Why did it happen? Watch the video at x0.25 speed and you can see accurately :)
Ah It was just lucky, not an error.. I see, thank you :)
Is it just an error in this game? Can their hitboxes overlap as one?
Using Youtube link, maybe? I posted sth in the forum using Youtube previously and it didn't make link, just a video. Other method.. I don't know that :)
Thank you guys! And I only have to succeed Real FPG in SMB1 All-Stars :>
So weird :O p.s. There is a delay in this video. Sorry for that :)