Florida, USARetroBrando2 years ago

After doing some testing while running this game again for the past two months unfortunately this is another one of those Genesis games that should be separated due to time differences for emulator and console. It really comes down to the game imo and the amount of lag and load time it suffers at this point, The game has become pretty optimized so any time loss on console will ruin a potential PB. SandbagX says overall there's about a 5-6 second difference between console and emu for Easy so I can only imagine more for Normal and Hard because the enemies don't die in one hit which means more on screen = more lag. I'll post the demo comparison video for you all to see below to give you a general idea of what I'm talking about. Also I don't mind modding. I can do some clean up work. Update the rules a bit more. It's also a good look when another runner approves your runs rather than having to do it yourself. To be honest, I'm really surprised that Moonwalker (Genesis) isn't a separate leaderboard since these are all completely different games rather than just ports that are almost identical. I have no experience with the other games since I only played them for fun casually so I'd only help with the Genesis department for now. Anyways here's the comparison video :)

Eddward aiment ceci
Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

I'm trying to understand this the best I can lol. Okay so can't you just play the game right? Use a timer.. let's say on your phone right next to you or even one of those cheap ones? There's always a way and I know quite a few runners that use this strategy without any issues. Like I said the Timer doesn't need to be on screen or anything.

Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

lol You don't have to be that way and I'm glad you understand the points I'm making. Just use a real timer next to you. You don't have to submit with livesplit or a visible timer on screen. Regardless of what you decide to do. I wish you the best.

Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

I found out a couple years back that REV01 is faster due to the last boss fight. I think REV00 is faster for TAS if I'm not mistaken.

Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

Yeah the driving stages are included I found out. Problem is.. Nobody really knows how the IGT really works exactly, especially with emulator vs hardware speed. With older games it's a bit tricky. Real time gives the exact start and end time, Making it easier overall and better to understand and to work with. Originally before I became mod, this game ran off real time and not IGT as well. Do you not use a timer? livesplit?

Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

Well that didn't age well lol. The boards are going through a change. I was contacted by another runner yesterday and apparently the driving stages are not included in the overall IGT. Any run from here on out will use real time. Timer starts right after you press start in the main menu. Timer ends right when the Terminator turns into that weird electric ball looking thing. They also helped retime all the runs. I'll go ahead and update them today.

Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

With the new route there's no need to go to the room that supplies you with the locker code on the computer which saves a bunch of time. The code is RNG and after testing it with another runner and watching YouTube playthroughs we came up with 8 codes so far but I think there's 10 total. I'll go ahead and post them below for any future runners interested.

9842 6357 7984 3579 8421 4216 5798 1635 2163

teh_supar_hackr aiment ceci
Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

I think it should be separated. Pretty much to replicate what we have on the RE1 boards. After running every single port there's enough differences "Not just time" To have it all separated. Plus with more runners on console these days it's not such a bad idea imo. If you need someone to mod hardware department I'll do it.

Subsonix et DoppleGamer aime ceci
Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

Yeah I'll give it a whirl and see what I can do. You know as well as I do "level area skips" are always a good time.

Florida, USARetroBrando3 years ago

So it requires holding up and down at the same time? That's a tricky one considering you'd need a keyboard so if it's impossible for hardware or a controller? I may have to look into banning that skip or making a separate category for it. First I'll try and see if it's manageable on console. If I can get it? That'd be awesome because the castle can be stressful at times.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

I'll look into it. What's the time save amount vs capturing on close range?

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

I was aware of the first one but this game has such fucked RNG the time you save is very little. Of course, any timesave is always great. As for video two I guess that varies on quick capture or how close you are to catching the ghost. The most important thing you can do is proper execution and have great RNG for boss fights. Even decent if you can manage it.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Fair enough. Best to just stick with what we have now and go from there. Rules have been updated :)

TascoDLX aiment ceci
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Of course! a fair clean leaderboard is the best way to go. I did another test with Fusion, Bizhawk and console side by side comparison and yeah you were not wrong my friend. Even emulator has it's slight differences. I personally feel it should be fusion for emulator runs only. Considering most of us already ran on that emu we can basically continue with what we've been doing. I still think console falls behind way too much for a game you can almost perfect so separating them would be good.

TascoDLX et Subsonix aime ceci
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Actually.. I'm going to do this. Test emulators out and see if any run at the pace of console. If they all run faster I'll go from there and pick the ones that run at the same speed for emu. Upload another test video as well. Thanks for your input Tasco :)

TascoDLX aiment ceci
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

That's a very good point. I used fusion but haven't tested the others yet. I'm almost certain they all run faster than console like they do in most cases. Except Mister. That one seems to emulate console speed perfectly. Problem is there's too many emus out there these days. If I could I'd just allow fusion and call it a day. I'll do some more testing when I get home.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

I did :) Yeah it was pretty crazy. I did a emulator run earlier with a bunch of mistakes and got a 21:33. Basically the same time as my console run from the other day which was much cleaner than my emu. I'm still gonna run both regardless. Just sucks when it's this big of a difference. It's like Jurassic Park (Genesis) all over again. lol

Subsonix aiment ceci
À propos de RetroBrando
9 years ago
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Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
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Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
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Another World
Another World
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Resident Evil
Resident Evil
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Ghostbusters (Genesis)
Ghostbusters (Genesis)
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Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Dernière run 3 years ago
The Terminator (Virgin Game / Sega)
The Terminator (Virgin Game / Sega)
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Home Alone (SNES)
Home Alone (SNES)
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Resident Evil
Resident Evil
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Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Genesis)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Genesis)
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Home Alone (SNES)
Home Alone (SNES)
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Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
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Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Dernière visite 5 months ago
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
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Another World
Another World
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Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
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Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Dernière action 10 months ago
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
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Resident Evil
Resident Evil
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Ghostbusters (Genesis)
Ghostbusters (Genesis)
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Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Dernière action 4 years ago
Another World
Another World
Dernière action 1 year ago
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Dernière action 1 year ago
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Genesis)