performance: Deepwoken
IraqRamitheus9 months ago

I'm coming for that 3rd place

IraqRamitheus1 year ago

I've seen in the newest chaser duo wr that they did glitchless method so are glitches not allowed? (IE wavedash, bonekeeper instakill, chaser instakill and shadow hero's blade crit+cap artist)

performance: Deepwoken
IraqRamitheus1 year ago

Is there something i'm missing???? Aren't you the world record holder nebrula???? for solos you do 1:23 but then in duo runs you do almost 3 minutes

IraqRamitheus1 year ago

I kind of need help to know when to start/stop the timer and I don't know if I need to time the start of the timer with a keybind or is there a different way?

-ram, the random dude that wants to get a wr

performance: Deepwoken
IraqRamitheus1 year ago
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performance: Deepwoken
IraqRamitheus1 year ago

I'm beating this

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1 year ago
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