Rebirth% - Rescue all 8 Broadcasted Buddies, trigger the Flipo interaction in the Fanart Room Mirror, enter New Begginings and survive the Guilt Boss.
2.2 Subcategory for True Ending - There is one new badge and Good Memories is no longer a one-shot kill, so the run is different from what it used to be in 2.0-2.1
Add a V2 Category for Formspire since it was changed
pirae% - Defeat Garr7c. Time ends when you are freed from the cage
Broadcasted% - Defeat the Broadcasted Boss. Time ends when you get the Badge
10badges% (waker%) - Collect 10 badges and defeat the Waker. Time ends when you are put back into the main area.
Life% - Reach the Life badge. Time ends when you collect the badge after touching LD
True Ending - Collect all the badges and finish the run at the Life Badge Credits
BanBan% - Complete the Garten of Banban easteregg. Time ends when you touch fallenglort
True Glitchless% No major glitches is just full of glitches and for peapole like me who arent good at those id like to suggest a True glitchless% or atleast a variation for NMG
Ik i need to "get good" n stuff i just want an intended speedrun way And i also know that its been suggested like a lotta times :P
Das it from me for now
Get to planet kebabulon as fast as possible. Like any% or NMG but you dont have to do the sun bossfight
(Totally not beacouse i cant do the sun bossfight)