good stuff man i havent revisted this record in years, congrats. I wont be trying again ahahah
That's a good idea. Not terrible either, but like no one is running the game really anymore lol.
I thought about redoing a lot of my runs though.
Hey guys,
I noticed there was actually a small error with the rules that were posted on the Coop sections of the game. It says x1. But the first run was done in x2. It was suppose to be x2 about 5 years ago when it was set up. But it was my mistake when I stated the rules. So! I'd like to purpose changing the rules to x2 going forward. And the current Leaderboard is wiped.
Let me know what your thoughts are. Or alternatively we can have a 2nd Category just for x2. Let me know your thoughts, I'll give everyone about One Week to answer and give input. (By Jan 12th)
I'm requesting moderator for Sniper Elite NZA 1 ...
I do believe the mods are inactive as they have not done anything since their initial run. I have no way to contact them either. I've also submitted a run. and waiting for it to be approved.
Also just want to add. I'll probably do a run in Zombie Army Trilogy as well (same game basically) And I'll also probably submit that run as well.
Just curious, I submitted a run for Sniper Elite NZA 1 today, and I see the mods have not done any runs in 3 months. Which was their last run, what do we do if they are inactive?
yea im an idiot lol. I just realized that Show Rules isnt on by default lolol
It just says Arcade mode, I don't see any rules about difficulty. I was going to submit one as well.
lol dont be sorry it's my own stupidity :P I was under the impression Force Model was for the Sarge model. Didn't realize it translated to what model you were.
it's cg_forceModel "1" btw. the command you listed is for Quake Live.
Yea, not a lot of console commands work in Quake 3 Team Arena. I'll upload my CFG to pastebin.
Team Arena is a whole other ball game. You can't change anything atleast console side. All the commands are UNKNOWN COMMANDS.
cg_forceenemymodels doesn't work in Vanilla Quake 3 unless I'm missing something. And bL1ss run has everyone as Keel Blue. Appreciate the help either way, trying to cut my PB down to 45 mins.
interesting, you guys are aware some of the top runs on this are using Noghost/modded clients right?